Chapter 33 | medjacks

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A/N: I lost all motivation to write and post on my tiktok account but today I felt really motivated and decided to write a chapter enjoy!!


Newts pov:

Flora had sent me to go back go my hut after I tried to intervine when I saw her and gally talking on their way to the slammer but she shut me down immediately, I was confused by her sudden liking towards gally and did as she said and went to my hut.

when I reached my hut it was already dark and I decided to get ready for bed I put some grey joggers on and a white tank top and laid in my bed, I didn't want flora to be mad at me anymore I had to make up for what happened when she was out in the morning, and with that I slowly drifted to sleep.


the next morning:

I was woken up by a beam on sunlight hitting my face and got up to go get flora from the slammer when all of a sudden I heard a loud knocking at my door. I walked over and opened the door and saw gally with a panicked look on his face.

"newt theirs no time to explain its flora come with me." hearing her name made me heart sink and I followed gally over to the medhut. I walked into a small room in the wards and saw flora laying on a bed attached to some machines her already pale skin looked even more pale than normal and her lips blue.

I walked over to her bed and touched her cheek and it was ice cold.

I stood up confused and turned to face the medjacks who pulled me into a separate room.

"what's wrong with her Jeff why is she attached to all these machines and she's freezing what happened?" I said trying my hardest not to panic.

"look newt we know this is a lot to handle but she should be okay soon... gally went to get her this morning but she was unresponsive so he came and got us and we had to rush her into a bed here. I know she looks bad right now but she looks a lot better than she did 30 minutes ago just trust me newt." Jeff explained in a calm voice, I nodded and took a few deep breaths.

"you can stay in the room with her until she wakes up if you want but her clothes are pretty dirty so I'd suggest going to her hut and getting her a change" Jeff walked away before I could respond and I took a glance at flora laying in the dirty clothes and walked over to her hut.


When I reached floras hut it was a mess like she had been searching for something, I ignored it and grabbed some warm clothes to change her into...I suddenly remembered how I'd upset flora the night before and decided I would clean her hut for her whilst she was in the medhut.

I started picking up clothes and rubbish and you could soon see the floor of her hut again. I found a book she had told me she was reading and went to put it on her bedside table for when she got back but I noticed something shiny laying in its place.

I walked over to the desk and found a blade covered in blood.

this hadn't been here the day before and I  thought maybe me snapping at flora had pushed her to her limit and she's relapsed because of me..

I didnt want flora to feel like she had to do this anymore so I grabbed the blade and put it in my pocket.

I took the clothes I got for flora and went back to her room, she was still laying down unconscious so I decided to dress her myself. I pulled the blanket off her carefully and went to get her changed when I caught myself looking at her sleeve, I could see the fresh cuts bleeding through her shirt and faintly touched her arm but then I felt her move a tiny bit.

I stepped backwards slightly and saw flora gaining consciousness once again and rushed to her side. She looked confused why she was here so I explained what had happened to her and how she had gotten so cold her body quit on her.

"oh I thought that...nevermind" I heard her say slightly and turned to face her.

"what you thought gally found the cuts you did last night..." hearing those words floras eyes darted up to mine and I could see her breathing fasten.



A/N: woops leaving you on a cliff hanger as usual so sorry


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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