Chapter 18 | ill

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btw this is what newt did in floras hair !!! i forgot to add it

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btw this is what newt did in floras hair !!! i forgot to add it

I beg please give me science or idea you guys wanna see.


I dragged newt outside with me as I was starving and we approached the kitchen area, fry was serving toast to everyone with help of the other chefs. We got out food and went and sat down on a table by ourselves talking about funny things that happened in the glade and enjoying our food.

I saw thomas looking around with his food and waved at him, he noticed me and his eyes lit up as he had finally found someone to sit with me marched over to our table and sat down next to me, I gave him a hug and then he sat down next to me.

"hey newt, flora how are you today?" he asked very cheery

I smiled at him as I was feeling very full off life that morning.

"I'm amazing thank you thomas, how are you?" I said in a funny voice making laughter appear from behind me it was minho and Matthew they had walked over to us but they had not food I assumed they had already eaten their food.

"hey you guys already eaten today?" I asked as they sat down on the table, I had just finished eating at this point.

"uh nah I just don't feel like eating right now flora.." Matthew said but he looked a bit pale, he was smiling though.

"yeah I've gotta be in the maze in 5 so I don't want my breakfast to come back out right away you know?" he said with a serious face, I couldn't help but crack up at this and so did the rest of the table leaving minho confused.


minho had left to go run the maze with some off the runners and the others had all gone to work, I was in the medhut and we were weirdly getting a lot of people coming in today complaining about stomach pain, headaches and nausea.

We had to put a few gladers on bed rest as some of them were so weak they looked like they were dying.

there must've been a bug going around the glade or something, whatever it was it  was starting to get to me, I started to swear and my head was pounding but I carried on working. Matthew entered the hut and looked even worse than before he walked inside the med hut stumbling around a bit before sitting on a chair infront of me.

"omg Matthew are you okay?" I said concerned his face looked lifeless and his eyes were all droopy.

"I feel like there a place in here I can rest for a 20 minutes...then ill go back to work-" he was now standing up his legs barely working, I pit my arm around his shoulder and Clint held up his other side, we helped walk him over to a small room where he could lay down for a bit and almost as soon as we lay him down in bed he fell asleep and starting snoring loud, I shut the door behind me as I left.

I turned to Clint worried

"Clint most of our beds are full..what are we gonna-" I got interrupted by a cough leaving my body, my throat felt so sore I had no idea what was going on.

Clint slyly took a small step backwards but I didn't acknowledge it because I would've done the same if I hadn't already caught the bug...thank god it wasn't serious like matthews.

"I'm gonna talk to some builders and alby about them expanding the med hut, another whole floor and more rooms, plus a staff room for us on days no one needs help..sounds good ay?" cliff explained to me and it actually sounded like such a good idea so he ran off and went to the builders, they had approved his request and said they would start working on the medhut as soon as possible.

I should've been happy about that, but I felt my body starting to weaken..I also knew that ment gally would be near the medhut more..


It was dark out now I skipped lunch because I began to feel even worse and didn't think I would be able to keep food down right now, and the bell for dinner had just rung, I thought maybe I just felt hungry and I wasn't ill so I went and got some dinner from fry, I chose a very small plate.

it was cold outside but I couldn't stop myself from sweating I was so hot, I felt so uncomfortable. I walked over to our usual table and met everyone there apart for Matthew who was in the medhut still...

I sat down and then looked around the glade was much more empty than usual, I assumed the bug had gotten to a few people, as I put my plate down i looked at it and even the thought off being near it made me wanna puke, i pushed the plate away from me a bit so it wasn't too close to me. I rubbed my eyes and took my jumper of still sweating, I was wearing a vest underneath and the bandages one arm was revealed but I didn't care all I could think about was how hot I felt

" don't look too good, I think you've got the bug going around the glade.. " he said a bit upset that I didn't feel well.

"yeah, I'll live it's not that bad, you should've seen Matthew...almost passed out walking into the hut earlier, think he might've given me it.." I said covering my mouth when I coughed

I was shivering at this point from the cold but my body was still boiling, I didn't feel cold at all in fact it felt like I was on the sun, newts arm brushed against mine and he looked at me immediately.

"jesus flora your arm is freezing cold..thomas feel her arm." he said motioning at my arms, thomas did as he was told and his face was concerned as soon as he did.

"flo you're freezing cold, it's like ice...are you not cold?" he said looking at me, now the whole table was looking at me.

"no I'm boiling how are you guys wearing jumpers.." I said still wiping the sweat off my forehead, my hands now turning pink from the cold I began to shake more and more.

Newt stood up and thomas followed aswell.

'Come on love legs get you somewhere warm" newt said forcing me to stand up holding one of my arms, thomas standing next to him.

I coughed before answering him, still shaking uncontrollably.

"you guys, I told you I'm not cold.. let me sit with you guys" I said trying to get out of newts grasp but thomas just grabbed my other arm, being gentle as this one was the one with the bandage on.


After struggling for a while they managed to get me into my hut and put my warm clothes on me.

"guys I'm boiling in here..let me out l" I got up to leave my hut but they both stood infront of the door.

"newt and I are gonna stay here for the night make sure you get some rest, don't trust you to not try need warmth and rest." thomas was very protective when it came to me it was sweet, he was my best friend after all.

"you should really have some food though love.." newt said handing me a bowl of pasta he had gotten fry to make for me specially, he knew I had a weak spot for pasta and I couldn't help but eat some it was so good and I ignored how sick it made me feel.

After about 10 minutes we were all sat talking, me half trying to convince them to let me leave my hut as I wasn't tired but they wouldn't budge and forced me to lay down in bed.

I lay there in bed not tired at all but also I had no energy I tried to listen to what newt and thomas were talking about but my ears started ringing and my vision started to blur, then my vision went black.

A/N: what do you think is happening in the glade and why are some people getting so sick from it.

more importantly what do you think is going to happen to flora

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