chapter 5 | curiosities

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several days had passed since the boys had hurled abuse at me they were given a week in the pit with very little food and threatened with a month if it happened again. I had tried all the jobs and ended up with med-jack, I was happy with that as it was what I wanted...

I did always think about the maze though, newt told me we weren't allowed in there and why I think it was ment to scare me but honestly it just made me curious..


My period had ended by now and I was grateful I didn't have to deal with the pain anymore, I turned around in newts bed and saw him still asleep which was weird because I was normally woken up by him most days.

I brushed it off and got changed, it was a hot day out today and I went to grab a short sleeve top and some shorts, I took off my jumper and put the top on then remembered what I had done the night before.

I couldn't walk around and let anyone see this so I went and grabbed one of newts jumpers and threw it on and immediately felt the heat hit my body. I decided to put my hair in a ponytail to maybe cool me down a bit, I washed my face and went to grab my shoes and wake newt up, I walked out the bathroom and saw newt standing just having finished getting dressed.

I closed the bathroom door and newt turned around confused by the noise at first then his gaze softened as he saw me

"I've got a gathering with alby about some of the slicers and how they keep getting injured alot today so I might not see you loads today..sorry love"

I was upset at the fact I wouldn't see newt much today but I was working all day anyway.

"oh it's alright newt really, I have work to do anyway I forgot to clean up the medhut yesterday anyway Clint and Jeff are so lazy" I smiled when newt started laughing. We then both went off to leave for work when newt suddenly pulled me close to me, cupped my face and gave me a kiss.

After a few seconds our faces separated and I felt the redness on my face growing.
He smiled at me then walked away.

endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now