Chapter 28 | worry

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Newts pov:

everyone has gotten up early that day to wait for the doors to open, I however hadn't slept at all that night. I was stuck in my hut pacing not knowing if 4 of the most important people to me were gonna live.

It was 5:00 am and most of the glade was awake and I saw a few boys walking over to the doors. I decided to join them and we all sat down by them. I heard the doors starting to open and all the gladers jumped up to watch.

We all swarmed the entry and watched the doors open fully, disappointed filled all the gladers when it was revealed that none of them were there. I felt a pain in my chest as I looked inside the maze and saw nothing.

my ears were ringing but I could still slightly hear all the gladers talking about how they knew they wouldn't be coming back. We all turned to walk away and I felt my eyes begin to tear up slightly when all of a sudden I heard Zart whisper something slightly.

"no way.." a few gladers turned around to see as Chuck had started celebrating, I too turned around and I felt the tightness in my chest loosen as I saw them.

Thomas, Minho, Alby and Flora, all helping to drag a limp Alby into the maze. The medjacks immediately ran over to them and took Alby from them, laying him on the ground. I quickly ran over to Flora as much as my limp allowed me to and pulled her into the tightest hug ever.

                                Floras pov:

We placed Alby on the floor and as the boys were being questioned I immediately felt Newt wrap his arms around me as he hugged me so hard I could barely breath, I didn't complain though I can't imagine the worry that must've gone through that boys head.

After a while he pulled away putting his arms on my shoulders, observing my face slightly.

"don't ever do that again flora, you scared the bloody shit outta me..." I laughed at his accent when he said bloody, but he wasn't laughing in fact I saw a tear drip down his face. I wiped the tear away and kissed him.

"Newt I'm fine don't worry-" I tried to say but got cut off by Newt rambling.

"don't worry? flora you are the most important thing to me and to have you running into the maze and not knowing if I was ever gonna see you again or my best friends either is a very scary thing, I couldn't sleep at all last night flo-" he stopped talking as he looked down at my arm, which I hadn't realised was bleeding until right now.

"Flora you're bleeding, let me take you over to the med hut.." Newt tried to drag me over to the med hut, but I didn't want to make Jeff and Clint job even more busy than it is right now. Thomas and Minho had gone over with them to help sort Alby out so it was bound to be crowded.

"no newt the other medjacks are busy right now, I'll be fine just leave it." I said trying to walk over to my hut, but I got stopped by a very stubborn Newt standing infront of me, shaking his head.

"have you forgotten I'm a trained medic flora, I mean I may not have many clients but I know how to do it. You're definitely aware of this flora.. come on ill do it, you don't get to fight this flora I haven't seen you all night you had me worried sick, let me do this..please." Newt said in a very funny way, he was raising his eyebrows and was making a very fun face as he even sounded like he was speaking in an even more British accent than before..

As much as I didn't want Newt to look at my wound I obliged but under the condition that he had to act normal again.


A/N: wow 3 chapters one day who am I.. 

p.s something sad is going to happen in the following chapters so just be prepared x

endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now