Chapter 20 | grasp

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BTW I've changed my pfp and backround photo!!

also I cannot believe I'm on chapter 20 already I'm so thankful!💗


Newts pov:
The next morning I woke up and found thomas still sleeping, I stood up and went to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water, waking myself up a bit more. I took a quick shower, when I got out I picked some grey sweatpants and a black long sleeve shirt.

I returned to the room thomas was in shortly after and found him sat up on the bed rubbing his face.

"morning thomas, wanna get some food with me before I go visit flora?" Thomas stood up and put a black short sleeve shirt on, he was already wearing some black sweatpants..


After we had thanked fry for out food we sat down at our table and ate our food, I looked around and noticed the glade was already looking much more full than yesterday, this relieved both me and thomas now having higher hopes for flora.

Me and thomas carried on eating our food when we felt someone sitting down at our table we looked up and to our surprise it was Matthew, he looked much better than the day before and had some food with him.

"hey guys, miss me?" he said smiling at us, he was good as new and we were thrilled to see him, thomas gave him a small hug and patted him on the back

"good to see you again man, glad you're better" thomas said very passionately him and Matthew had been getting closer to one another since they both befriended flora.

"wheres flora?" Matthew asked chirpy, mine and Thomas's faces had now dropped and the table sat in silence for a little while.

"what's wrong guys is she okay.." Matthew was now getting worried and had put his food down waiting for our answer.

"well.." I began

"flora caught the bug that was going around the glade, and we didn't think much of it and just took her back to her hut she said she was hot, but felt freezing to the touch so we forced to to stay inside..." I said looking at Matthew who was listening intently.

"we thought she had fallen asleep.. but then we heard a weird rustling noise from her bed and..she was having a seizure." thomas continued, matthews eyes were now wide open.

"holy she okay?" me and thomas looked at eachother.

"well we ran her over to the medhut and they said she should be okay but they don't know for definite, other gladers who caught the bug earlier on who also experienced seizures have gone back to work already and are okay so we have high hopes, we're gonna go visit flora after we finish our're welcome to come with us matt." I explained Matthew now nodding and his tense body relaxing a bit more.


Floras POV:

When I opened my eyes I was blinded by a bright light shining above me, I turned my head to my side and saw a group of people standing in the room infront of me,my eyes were a bit fuzzy from the light I had just been looking at and I couldn't make out who the people were, I recognised the room and soon realised i was in the med-hut.

Although I could tell I was in the med-hut I had no idea why, apart for a slight throbbing in my head I had no idea what couldve led me to be in a recovery room. I sat up in my bed and looked around, I noticed I was attached too a moniter that was beeping, I didn't know what it was but it had a chart next to it, it read:

dips: 2
cause: virus, overheating

I looked at the thing confused, but then I heard some footsteps entering the room, I looked up and the figure, was holding a small bowl of something they were facing the door still and when they turned a huge smile grew on their face.

it was thomas.

he walked over to me putting the bowl down next to me and sat next to me happy.

"omg you're okay, thank god flo you had us all worried sick, especially newt I don't think he slept much last night-" thomas was rambling on really fast I could tell he was excited to see me, but I was still confused what he meant.

"thomas, what am I doing here?" I said looking at him confused, he looked at me even more confused.

"you don't remember?" I shook my head no, and he stood up and left the room. After a few seconds I saw the door open again, a small group of people entered, Jeff, Clint, newt and Matthew were here, thomas and minho weren't which confused me but I Ignored it I was happy to see all my friends.

Newt came and sat down where thomas was previously holding my hand tight.

"hey love... how are you feeling?" he asked looking into my eyes, Jeff and Clint stood infront of my bed observing me

"well..I'm a little bit confused what I'm doing here, I feel normal apart for my head it's hurts a bit.." newt nodded wiping a small tear of his face he was smiling.

Jeff and Clint walked over to me, Clint was taking the chart from the moniter and Jeff came and sat down next to me.

"flora you caught the bug that was going around the glade, but you had one of the most severe cases we had here in the glade, weren't sure if you were gonna make it or not, you got rushed in here at around 10 pm and you were having a seizure, many of the other gladers ha e experienced this due to overheating even whilst feeling cold to the touch, but your temperature was so high it cause you to have 2 more small seizures throughout the night, nothing major the longer one was only 15 minutes, your first one however was over an hour which was the worst one we've had here, hence why we weren't sure you would make it-"

Jeff carried on explaining as I watched him curious, i looked at newt who was even more intrigued than me, I couldn't have imagined how much worry I had caused him.

"the throbbing in your head is more than likely just a bump you got when seizing one of them you were very close to the wall so you may have hit your head but I'm sure it's nothing serious flora, we'd like you to stay in here for a further 24 hours just to make sure you're all good, oh also the builders are gonna be starting to expand the hut today, shouldn't be too much noise..hope it doesn't hurt your head even more" With that Clint and Jeff left leaving just me and newt, I suddenly remembered that thomas hadn't returned and looked at newt

"wheres thomas?"


also how do you think flora will react to thomas being a runner


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