Chapter 21 | fury

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"where's thomas?" I sat up in my bed and glanceds at newt who was biting his lip and looking at the floor.

"uhh well you know how Matthew got pretty ill..well he was a runner and because of Ben being banished they had barely any runner..." newt explained rubbing the back of his head.

"and uhh as Thomas had qualified to be a runner, minho kinda asked him to be a runner." he said now scrunching his face up a bit waiting for my reaction.

I felt my face turn red from anger as my eyebrows burrowed and my mouth dropped open

"what!! how the shuck is that fair, thomas gets to be a runner and you're okay with that but as soon as I show any interest in being a runner you shut me down immediately newt, that's not fair at all.." I said in a loud voice, angry tears forming in my eyes.

"love..calm down, I'm not exactly happy about thomas being a runner, but they spoke to alby about it and given the circumstances everyone decided it would be best for thomas to be a runner, and even if I wanted you to be a runner you're sick right now, literally in recovery...and you're injured flora, let's not forget that.." as angry as I was, newt did have a good point, I was injured at the moment, I was still recovering from the cuts on my thigh meaning I couldn't be a runner right now even if I wanted to.

I felt ashamed by myself, my sudden outburst at newt..he hasn't done anything, I was the one who prevented this, if I hadn't cut myself I could've been a runner... I guess that dream was over now..what was the point in stopping this addiction then.

"newt..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you I'm not angry at you.." I said my eyes still swelling with tears, I felt a single tear fall from my eye and drip down my face..newt immediately came and sat next  to me wrapping his arms around me.

"it's not your fault love, you have every right to be upset at the moment okay... I should probably go now Jeff said you need to get more rest and he'll probably kill me if I distrupt that love..sleep well" he placed a small kiss on my forehead and then limped away.


Without realising it I had fallen asleep, it was still light outside so I couldn't have been asleep for that long, I sat up and rubbed my eyes yawning and stretching trying to wake myself up, all of a sudden I heart a drilling sound coning from above me, I jumped and looked up immediately, I then remembered the builders were expanding the med-hut today.

I wished so badly I wouldn't have any interaction with gally...

I stood up from my bed and waddled slowly over to the mirror on the room of this wall and found a small hairbrush, I brushed my hair out and out it in a braid

I looked at myself in the mirror, I was wearing a hospital gown, it had short sleeves and I looked at my arm the bandage was gone as they had to hook me up to the monitor, I stared at my arm which was covered in cuts, I then ran my finger across the bruise I had gotten from gally and I had a flashback from the day it had happened. I walked to sit back down on my bed when I noticed the door to my room was open a little bit, I peered outside of it and saw gally working on a new room opposite me

my heart stopped and I quickly went over and shut the door, I started pacing my room terrified of what he could do to me, he hadn't seen me and had no knowledge of me being in here yet I still thought he was going to hurt me.

it felt like I couldn't breath, my chest tightening and my weak breaths speeding up, I ran my hands through my hair causing the braid in my hair to get all messed up, I but my nails and couldn't think of what to do, I frantically searched the room for a blade of some kind, It was the only thing I could think off that would help.

After searching for a few minutes I opened a small draw and inside showed medical equipment, I searched through it until I found a scalpel and I took it out the packaging started at my wrist then pushed the blade down my wrist..

I did this a few more times until I felt the panic in my chest dissappear, I felt relieved after what I had done. For a while i watched the blood drip down my arm onto the floor then eventually got up and went back to the drawer and got some bandages, without cleaning the cuts I wrapped them up, I remembered I wasn't wearing bandages when I arrived in here and everyone would know, I quickly took of the weird hospital gown dropping it on the floor, and picked up the pile of clothes folded next to me, someone must've brought a change of clothes for me, I put on a grey long sleeve and some matching grey sweatpants.

sighing I sat back down on my bed and lay down for a moment, I stared up at the roof of the room I lay in and bit my nails, every small movement of my arm made it sting like hell but I enjoyed the stinging sensation.

the noise of the builders was starting to get annoying so I left my room and went to go find Jeff, I slowly opened my door and saw gally working further down the hall with a few other builders he was facing me and when I walked out my room a floorboard creaked, all the builders looked up and saw me including gally, his eyebrows raised and it looked as if he was going to say something so I rushed away and found Jeff sitting with Clint in the main room.

"flora you should be resting, go back to your room please" Jeff said in a firm voice, Clint observing the conversation, I noticed Jeff looking at me confused.

"why did you change out of your gown?" he looked at the clothes I was wearing and tilted his head slightly

"umm..the gown was all" I spat out way too quickly, Jeff looked taken aback and just nodded, Clint however raised an eyebrow at me.

"now get back to your room flora, we will get someone to bring you some lunch in about half an hour go back to your room" Clint said looking at me smiling slightly

I didn't want to see gally again and tried to explain why I had to leave but they weren't having any of it, Jeff personally escorted me to my room, to make sure I went back properly.

"Jeff.. " i looked at him biting my lip until it bled a bit, I wiped my mouth and then looked back at him swiftly, he was looking back at me with kind eyes, as much as he had busted me to newt about my self harming all he wanted was to make sure I was safe.

"please don't let gally come near me again.." I said with tears filling my eyes once again, Jeff's face softened as he pulled me into a hug, I cried into his arms and he promised he wouldn't let gally near me and said they would be done for the day in a few minutes anyway, he promised gally would not be allowed anywhere near me as I stayed here, this was relieving and eventually he left the room, I sat on my bed and red a book I found, sitting waiting paitenly for someone to bring me lunch


A/N: the next chapter is something... any predictions?

endgame | NEWT, maze runnerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon