Chapter 12 | deep

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"i felt newts eyes burning on mine yet I didn't dare to look at him"


"what does Thomas mean flora? does your arm hut?" he asked slightly concerned, I looked at him with a fake smile and laughed it off.

"no my arm is fine..I don't know what thomas is talking about newt" I carried on eating my toast to avoid the questions. We sat in silence for a bit until newt spoke up

"promise me you're not lying love" by now he was maintaining eye contact with me, I felt bad that newt cared for me so highly.

I couldn't lie to newt the guilt would eat me alive, I ignored the question by standing up with my now empty plate only crumbs remaining

"I've gotta go take this back to the kitchen newt" I left my hut before newt could say anything else, I returned my plate to frypan and then left.


As I went to walk back to my hut I figured newt would more than likely still be there, and the guilt of not telling him killing me, I contemplated owning up to my own I couldn't do that newt would be mad at me, I decided to myself and walked over to the med hut.

Jeff and Clint said hey to me as I was still ment to be working, even after the incident so it seemed normal to them. I waited around a bit and they eventually left the room to attend to someone who had entered the med hut, I was now left alone standing in the equipment room, and started looking for a rag and whatever was in that bottle newt used to other night to clean my wrist.

After searching for 30 seconds I found thr clear bottle and underneath it , the label read 'saline solution' I picked up the bottle and set it on the counter infront of me, I went to get a rag that was on the other side of the room and found a white one with black stripes on it, as I turned around and started walking I turned around and saw newt standing by the door.

newts expression was calm yet happy, whilst mine was shocked, he smiled at me and pulled me into a small hug

"hey love, you never came back got worried about you, I asked Jeff if he'd seen you he said you were in here..what're you doing? he looked at the saline solution on the counter and the rag in my hand, then at me.

"I'm just...preparing for a builder to come in here, they're always getting themselves...hurt" I said I'm a quick, quirky voice, just then Jeff walked into the room

for God's sake why did he have to enter the room now off all people

he looked at me confused

"why are you using the saline solution flora? you've never used that on a glader before.." Jeff looked at me confused, he was right I normal just used sterile wipes or a damp rag...but why did he have to pay attention to those small details. He walked closer to me as if to say something else

"I was just getting it out incase a builder gets injured..doesn't hurt to use new equipment now does it?" I said acting confident, but this must've been too fake because newt looked even more concerned now, then all of a sudden his face dropped....

"flora. come with me please" with that he walked into a small room with a bed in it where we normally put severely injured gladers, but no one got that hurt very often so the rooms were all empty.

He sat down on a bed and I sat down next to him, he had his head in his hands and he sighed a bit

"flora...I know you did it again." he said turning to me waiting for my reaction

I looked at him and after a few moments of silence I nodded, newt got up and left the room.

I made him angry...he's upset with me now and he'll want to break up now...its all my fault

I thought with tears flooding my eyes, I felt them trail down my face but then all of a sudden the door creaked back open and i saw newt walking over to me with the striped rag and the bottle of saline solution, he sat down infront of me

"love why are you you think I'm angry at you?" he said a bit shocked

more tears soaked my face as he brought me into a loving hug and held me for a while, he kissed the top of my head as I lay in his arms

"flora I promise you I will never been upset with you for something you cannot control okay?" he cupped my face wiping away my tears, I nodded at him and smiled at him slightly and then slowly rolled my sleeve up, he paused for a moment after seeing my wrist, then began to clean the wound.

it stung so badly but newt was very comforting through the whole process, and when he finished wrapping my arm back up he got up and motioned for me to stand up aswell, so I did.

he took my hand and then pulled me into a tight hug, we stood there for a few minutes and it was amazing until Clint burst into the room, half expecting us to be making out but his happiness thinking he had caught us soon disappeared when he saw we were just hugging.

"aww man I thought I couldve busted you guys.." he said annoyed before walking out, we both laughed at that.

"that's probably our sign to get back to work bye love" he said a bit upset then he kissed me on the lips, I kissed him back and I felt him wrap his arms around my waist forcing our bodies to touch, we carried on kissing and I move my hands throughout his hair, we moved closer to the wall until I was leaning against it, he moved his lips onto my neck and carried on kissing my neck as I wrapped my arms around him I heard a small groan leave my mouth, i bit my lip to stop the noises.


After a few minutes we stopped and said our goodbyes as we both had to get back to work I went back into the same room Clint and Jeff were in after newt left and as soon as I did Clint and Jeff both looked at me with wide eyes

"what?" I said a bit scared

"your neck.." they both said in unison, confused I walked into the equipment room to look in the mirror and found a hickey on my neck, shocked I walked back into the other room and saw the boys laughing at me, I soon joined in with the laughing still a bit in shock and then we carried on working for the night

A/N: this chapter is extra long and took a long time to write cause I had a brain blank for a few days and had no ides what to write and was just super unmotivated

I hope the kiss scene isn't too cringe I don't know how to write those kinda scenes very well

p.s: this isn't a smut book so don't expect any of that this is the most you'll probably see!!

suggestions for other chapters are wanted and very welcome!!:)))

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