Chapter 19 | dark

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uhh I apologise in advance for the next few'll see🤭

Newts POV:

The bell for dinner had not long gone, me and thomas went and got some food together and the kitchen was less crowded than normal, I looked around and noticed the glade also seemed more empty than usual.

"fry how come it's so empty here today?" I said looking around confused thomas doing the same.

"you haven't heard? some weird bug is going around the glade most of us are in the medhut that's why the builders are doing an expansion and a second floor, we don't know how long this bug will last could only be 24 hours...but it could also be deadly we aren't sure yet, Clint and Jeff and doing some research whilst flora helps the infected out, strong girl newt."

I nodded as he spoke curious about this bug, how come none of us had gotten it..

me and thomas took our food back to our usual table and I left a spot clear next to me for flora who hadn't arrived yet, I assumed she was busy in the medhut at the moment. I noticed Matthew wasn't at the table.

"minho wheres Matthew?" I asked confused as the runners had a day off today so minho and Matthew should've been here together.

"he looked horrible earlier, pale skin, could barely walk, didn't touch his food at all...I think he's caught the bug going around, shame we were just about to do some serious stuff in the maze, and now I'm down 2 runners...hey thomas you interested in coming in the maze with me tommorow, I'd have to run it by alby first but should be okay with him."

thomas jumped up in excitement and thanked minho, after a small celebration and a little persuasion we were all happy with thomas being a runner.

I noticed at the corner of my eye flora walking over to us with a very small plate of food in her hand, she looked horrible, her fair skin even paler than normal and the bags under her eyes were so dark.

she sat down next to me and put her plate down, she seemed to be eyeing the food up and down and looked like she could vomit any second, she pushed the plate away from her and that's that's I saw how horrible she really did look.

"love you don't look so good..are you feeling okay?" I asked concerned about her, she had given me a small weak smile and we all started to eat our food apart for flora.


As we were eating I saw flora take her jumper off and wipe sweat of her forehead, it was freezing cold outside but I thought maybe the thick jumper had made her hot so I ignored it, that was until her arm brushed against me and I jumped back from the ice cold feeling drag across my skin.

"jesus flora, you're freezing cold..thomas feel her arm." thomss did as I said and touched her arm he had the same reaction as me, we both nodded at eachother and stood up in unison both grabbing floras arm gently, we took her over to her hut after a lot of effort, dragging, convincing and offers we finally got her to her hut, after we got her inside she immediatly walked over to the door trying her hardest to convince her to let her out.

me and thomas both stood infront of the door denying her access outside.

"guys I'm boiling in here..let me out" Thomas stood closer to her..he was very protective over flora, they were best friends and it showed as jealous as I got at how close they were it made me happy she had someone she felt safe with, plus thomas was one of my best friends.

"newt and I are gonna stay here for the rest of the night, make sure you get some rest...don't try anything need warmth and rest no matter how much you resist flo.."

she rolled her eyes at thomas but obliged and sat down on her bed, I then remembered she hadn't eaten any food earlier and went and got her some pasta from the kitchen, she loved pasta a lot so I knew she would eat it, I gave her the pasta which she was thankful for and she ate it, me and thomas didn't want to make her uncomfy so we went and sat down.


After a bit flora had finished her pasta I took her bowl and placed it on the side

"flora lay down and try to get some rest now please'll make you feel 100 times better I promise" she nodded and got into bed properly and laid down on her bed I went and sat back down with thomas and we spoke for about 10 minutes, the whole time flora was trying to convince us she wasn't tired and even tried to ask us to leave her hut we just told her no and laughed a bit at it she spoke with her eyes shut and it sounded like she waa drunk from how tired she was, maybe it was because she was ill but it was funny either way.

she kept speaking on an on again so me and thomas eventually starting ignoring harsh as it was we really wanted her to rest, she kept saying she wasn't tired and I think at this point she had convinced herself aswell..

After a few minutes she had stopped speaking and lay on the bed without a blanket on her..she had said she was hot so I didn't blame her for that..

things got suspiciously quiet so I turned around and looked at her her eyes were slowly closing but it looked like her body was forcing it..I took it as she was so tired her body just gave up on he'd and forced her to sleep.

"thomas keep it down a bit, I think she's finally gone to sleep..look" I pointed at flora who lay on the bed not moving thomas just nodded and smirked a bit


a few minutes later we both started hearing rustling, we thought flora had woken up again, I turned my head slightly to look at her hoping she was just trying to get comfortable again but when i turned around I saw flora shaking on the bed, but this wasn't a shake from the cold it was an unnatural shake, a fast shake like she couldn't control it, worry washed over he and I hit thomas lightly to get his attention.

"thomas, what the shuck is happening to flora!" I said fear rising in my voice, he turned his head around and his eyes immediately shot open, he stood up and rushed over to flora, picking her up and taking her out the door, he ran her over to the med but, flora was still shaking and I was left confused what was going on.

We got into the med hut and everything went so fast the boys saw flora and immediatly rushed her away from us unto a locked up room and Jeff stayed in there whilst Clint returned.

"don't freak out, but flora had just experienced one of the symptoms on the bug going around the glade at the moment, she just experienced a febrile seizure." Clint said this calmly so we took it as it wasn't anything to worry about.

"this kind of seizure isn't dangerous, shes just gotten to hot..and it's caused the seizure a lot of other gladers are experiencing this at the moment, however a few gladers who got ill a few days ago and suffered the same kind of symptoms are 100% better now..don't worry about flora she's in good hands now she'll be fine.

After lots of convincing Clint and Jeff managed to convince me and thomas to leave, they promised we could see flora tommorow and with that me and thomas went to my hut and sat there most of the night, thomas took the bed as I was sat at my desk, head in hands, I couldn't stop worrying about her, after a few more hours I lay down in a beanbag I had stolen from floras hut and fell asleep.

endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now