Chapter 4 | stains

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The next morning I woke up to cramps in my stomach and I immediatly knew something was off, i got out of bed and went to the bathroom when I noticed a big red stain on the trousers I was wearing.

they were newts trousers...

I immediately took them off and went to grab some black sweatpants and some tampons I groaned on my way as I was having stomach pain. Newt rolled over barely awake until he noticed me out of bed.

"why are you awake flora? you're never awake at this time." he looked at me confused.

I felt panic wash over me and I tried to find a good excuse. "I uhm woke up and couldn't fall asleep again.." I said, it was obvious I was lying..

"wait come here-" newt tried to say but I cut him off by going back to the bathroom worried he would find out I stained his white trousers. I quickly put my new clothes on and put my hair into a low ponytail. i hid newts stained trousers in the laundry basket and went to leave but I was startled by a sudden knock on the door.

"love are you okay?" thank god it was only newt checking on me, I opened the door to reveal newt standing infront of it.

"I'm fine I promise my stomach just hurts a bit." I said holding my lower stomach a bit.

"you can take a rest day if you want, it's rea-" I cut newt off as always I didn't want him to pity me.

"nono it's fine, I'm working in the med-hut today I think can't miss out on that, talking off we slept in a bit I gotta go now newt sorry ill see you at lunch!" I gave him a small hug and walked away to the med-hut.


I entered the med-hut and I was greeted by the same 2 boys I had seen on my first day, they gave me some basic training and we waited for someone to get hurt.

"med-huts really empty today..not a single builder has cut themselves yet!" Clint said chuckling to himself, we all laughed a bit, when a builder came inside, we all looked at him and saw he had a pretty gnarly graze going down his arm. Clint motioned for me to treat it, i cleaned his bandage and wrapped it as we were talking.

"Matthew right?" I asked the boy I recognised him from the tour newt gave me on my very first day.

"yep that's me, what's your name?" he asked me in a friendly tone.

"oh yes of course, I'm flora!" I said smiling at him whilst I finished wrapping his arm.

"alright Matthew you're good to go bye!!" he seemed really nice and I was sure we would make good friends, I didn't think of him in any other way.


A few hours had passed and we had a few builders and slicers come in for small injuries some builders whistled at me when they walked past the med-hut but I ignored them, although it hurt my feelings i had to stay concentrated especially with my period making a sudden appearance my stomach was cramping so badly i thought i would faint from the pain. The bell ran for lunch and I started cleaning up a bit, until Jeff tapped me on my back.

"me and Clint are gonna go get some lunch wanna come with?" he asked me getting ready to leave.

"oh no thank you Jeff I'm gonna stay in here and clean up a little bit you guys are messy!!" I said chuckling slightly trying to hide the pain i was experiencing , they laughed with me and then left to get some lunch. As I was cleaning up I dropped something on the floor I looked down and saw a small knife...

my mind immediately flashes back to the nightmare I had but this time it didn't scare me..I felt comforted by it. Without thinking I grabbed the small knife and put it in my pocket before joining the other gladers for lunch.


I worked in the med-hut after lunch for a while until dinner was ready relieved i gave the place a quick clean then went outside to get some dinner. I grabbed a small plate and thanked frypan, he must've noticed my bad mood and gave me a loving smile. I walked to find a place to sit when I came across newt with minho and too my suprise Matthew. I didn't know they were friends with him?

I walked over to them and we all sat down talked about our days and ate our dinner. When I was about halfway into my meal a group of boys walked past me and to my surprise instead of cat calling me they shouted sexist and horrible stuff at me. I felt tears flood my eyes as the whole table looked at me to see if i had heard... unfortunately I did.

"wow what just happened?" said minho confused, Matthew nodded and said "did they seriously just do that!!" getting angry he stood up and went over to them and things started getting heated. I wasn't in the mood to see anything violence right now my stomach hurt too much and I felt weirded out by the comfort of the dream,  so I got up and ran to newts hut.

I found a small chair and blocked the entrance to the door so no one could get inside, and without thinking I grabbed the small knife from my pocket, rolled my long sleeve shirt up and watched as I sliced my arms.

i did 5 cuts that bled all over me I quickly got a first aid kit and cleaned everything up and put a long sleeved jumper on to hide what I had done. I went to go sit on the bed and lay down when I heard newt at the door.

"love can I come in please?" he seemed worried about my sudden dissappearance. I walked over to the door and moved the chair and opened the door, newt looked at me as I had tears flowing down my face and brought me into a big embrace.

"alby put those boys in the pit and there's gonna be a gathering deciding there full punishment tommorow." newt said with a calm voice. My mind immediately went to Matthew..

"what about Matthew??" I said in a worried voice.

"he said it was self defense and we told alby what happened he agrees it was a horrible thing so there isn't a gathering for him but he will stay in the pit over night.." I sighed wishing I hadn't gotten upset over it, it was now all my fault and now Matthew was in the pit all night and was gonna be cold and unfomfy.

I cried at the thought of my friend going through that even if it was just a single night. Newt could see I wasn't in the mood for talking and suggested we go to bed, he took my wrist to take me to bed with him, of course it was the arm with the cuts I winced slightly hoping he wouldn't notice, but he turned around immediatly worried he had hurt me.

"what happened did I hurt you?" newt looked into my eyes and asked me worried. I panicked and made up and excuse that I was just upset about everything, newt tried to question me but I cut him off saying I was tired.

We got into bed and newt held me in his arms I smiled at him and we made eye contact.. our faces got closer to eachother and I blushed.

"goodnight love," he said in his hot accent

"goodnight love" I replied back trying not to laugh, he looked at me in a shocked way.

in a sarcastic voice he said "that's my nickname for you love!" he said mouth open, I was laughing knowing it was gonna bring out a reaction, it was worth it he looked so taken aback.

" I'll call you newtie then," I told him in a quit voice, he chuckled slightly then planted a small kiss on my forehead, I blushed so much and without thinking kissed him on the lips.

He kissed me back and when our lips finally separated we smiled at eachother and then cuddled up to eachother then went to bed.

I couldn't sleep though I was just thinking about the kiss that just happened

no way did I just kiss NEWT!! he's so cute..I think I'm falling in love with him? was it too soon? did he not like it? would he have kissed me back if he didn't like it?

I started to overthink it and I was starting to get upset so I eventually decided to go to sleep to stop the thoughts and with that I fell asleep.

endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now