Chapter 13 | out

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I was tidying away in the medhut when the bell went for dinner, I was starving and decided to quickly pack away my things and get some food, as I was walking over to fry to get some food I noticed Matthew was standing in line for some good I ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug ever. Matthew had been in the pit all night and day because he helped newt to beat up gally.

"omg Matthew I'm so glad your out, I missed you so much I'm so sorry!" I frantically said still hugging him.

he laughed a bit and hugged me back,
"I missed you too flora, it wasn't that bad just a bit cold hope I don't get ill, and don't be sorry not your fault that gallys a jerk.." he said glaring at gally who had also been let out of the pit by now.

We both got some dinner, thanked frypan and spotted newt, Thomas and minho say on a table and decided to join them, as we walked over to them I saw newt glaring at Matthew and gave him a glare to stop.

"were exploring section 5 tommorow, last time we found something interesting so we're going back to find it" I heard minho say to Thomas and newt, I was interested in the maze just as Thomas was and I had a huge smile on my face.

"how do I become a runner?" Thomas blurted out, his voice full of curiosity.

"you get chosen Thomas, you work in the gardens you can't just switch jobs.." newt said a bit annoyed at Thomas's question, Matthew had started eating and was just observing the conversation.

"I sometimes wish I was a runner.." I said about to eat some food.

"what, you're not being a runner flora I won't allow that" newt said in a serious voice as always.

why does he have to be so serious all the time..

offended I scrunched up my face and looked at newt putting my fork down

"why not if I'm good enough can't I be a runner, minho?" I looked at minho who was sat with a grin on his face

"well technically if you pass the training, when you first arrive in the glade you do have chances of being a spare incase another runner gets injured, and-" minho got cut of by newt saying something loudly.

"she can't go into the maze minho, are you crazy??" he said now getting frustrated, he crossed his arms and had a frown across his face as he watched the Asian from across the table.

"newt, I know you don't want flora to get hurt but she and thomas both passed the test to be runners but had higher techniques in the other jobs, so if they're needed they would be put into the maze even if they didn't want to, its just there luck they both want you newt.." minho said in a calm voice.

me and thomas clearly overjoyed by this both got up and started celebrating that we could be in the maze someday, newt then got up abruptly and went to walk away, I followed behind him

"newt whats wrong why are you leaving?" I said confused, looking into his eyes

he turned around pinching the bride of his nose slightly,

"i don't wanna see you get hurt, flora...or thomas for that fact, I care about you both deeply and you're offering to go into the maze with the grievers? I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be okay with that flora.." with that he walked away put his plate away and went to his hut.

I walked back to the table and sat down next to thomas, clearly in a bad mood he asked what was wrong.

"it's newt he says he doesn't think he'll be okay with us going into the maze then he just walked away...I don't see what the problem is it can't be that dangerous.." I said looking at thr floor, no one responded so I looked up at thomas who was using the carrots from his dinner as teeth to act as a walrus, he then started making walrus noises and flopped onto the floor.

the whole table but out laughing at this and thomas had put the whole table back into a good mood after the tense conversation, we all took it in turns making animals noises and had an amazing time.


It got darker by the minute and we were all getting tired, minho had left to go to bed already as he had to be up early the next day and Matthew had just left to put his plate away, leaving only me and thomas, we spoke about the maze for a while and laughed.

" I swear if they don't let us in eventually, I'm just gonna run right in there one day" we both burst out laughing again and thomas fell of his chair backwards causing us to cry from laughter.

After having a laughing fit we both calmed down and then went to put out plates away together, we thanked frypan again and then I gave thomas a small hug before leaving to go to bed.


When I got to my hut it was silent.

newt had gone to his own hut after our disagreement and I had no one to talk to, I got into bed after getting changed into some of newts clothes, even though I was upset with him I still couldn't sleep without his clothes, they smelt so good.

I sat in bed and felt bad about upsetting newt and the thought of the blade dragging across my skin entered my mind...

no!... I can't do that again not after what newt said he wanted me to stop..i would try for him...

I turned around and lay under my blanket then fell asleep....

endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now