chapter 2 | the second day

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I woke up the next day to newt already gone, that upset me a bit but he had duties to tend to he wasn't in love with me or anything so why would he have stayed..


I had woken up around 6 am to watch the runner enter the maze with alby, I turned around and saw flora laying there still asleep, I thought of waking her but she looked so warm in my bed. I grabbed some fresh clothes and got dressed in a separate room from flora then walked out my hut to meet with alby. The runners went into the maze and I then went to return to my hut to wake flora up ready for her first day working in the kitchen with frypan, she had to be up early ready to make breakfast for the glade with fry.


I went to get up from bed and get dressed when newt walked in the heart pounding in my chest I felt my cheeks get a but flushed, "morning flo was just coming to wake you up, you're working with cook today in the kitchen better get ready and make breakfast for the glade." I got up and made his bed quickly whilst speaking to him "yes I will be out in just a minute.. oh do you guys have showers here?" I say looking over at newt making eye contact, he laughs a bit "yes we have showers here flora come on ill take you there.

we walk over to the homestead that has showers in and I went in and had a shower. I expected newt to have left by now as I left the shower getting dresses in a white short sleeved shirt and green shorts, I walk outside to see newt standing there. "Finally you're done, took you long enough he said about to walk away, I was confused why he was waiting by my door and I then asked him why "oh uh well I was guarding the door incase anyone tried to come in wanted you to feel safe love" he smiled at me and then walked away.

as I was walking over to the kitchen I couldn't help the thoughts

HE CALLED ME LOVE AGAIN!! that could mean nothing though is that normal slang   in the glade?

I must've been smiling too hard or blushing because frypan noticed "yo flora why you so happy?" I snapped out of it and said " Oh just happy to be working in here with you fry!" frypan smiled a genuine smile and thanked me. We began making toast and made enough for thr entire glade. I was happy in the kitchen and wouldn't have minded working here until some of the gladers woke up..

the builders were watching from a nearby bench and I could hear them muttering stuff like "that's where she belongs", "that's where women belong!" they all laughed at that and one of the boys shouted to make him a sandwich..
I looked up at fry and he could see the comments had hurt my feelings as my once smile had turned into a frown I felt tears flow in my eyes, fry must've noticed and he walked me to newts hut as the gladers helped themselves to some breakfast. We got to newts hut expecting it to be empty but newt appeared getting some supply's he left behind. I was already crying a bit as frypan rubbed my back comforting me but when I heard the familiar accent I looked up in shock and wiped the tears of my face and tried to be strong.

"WOW whats wrong love? are you okay?" newt rushed over to me instantly and gave me a hug I was resistant to hug him back at first then I hugged him and cried in his arms. Fry didn't leave and stood in the corner paitently waiting to speak to newt, "Look ill get you a fresh shirt this one has tears in it now flora I'm gonna go speak to fry outside" he gave me a small hug and picked out on of his oversized shirts as I still had no other clothes than true ones I had arrived in.

As I was getting changed I heard fry and newt speaking about the incident and how it would be a right fit for me which made me feel even worse as I liked helping fry in the kitchen. After a few minutes newt came back inside after making sure I was dressed and he could see the tears still trickling down my face, he walked over and held me in his arms hugging me. "I really liked that job newt and then those boys-"

I cried and newt comforted me, "I know love, I know" we sat for a while and then newt suggested I get some rest so I did and he left.

Not long after he left I fell asleep and was in a weird dream quick flashes off my childhood and someone repeating "wicked is good" over and over again. The flashes of my childhood where my dad hitting me and me crying in my room, I was only 13 and the way I coped with living like that was self harm. I cut myself most nights at such a young age. Then all of a sudden I bolted awake sweating and breathing heavy it was starting to get dark outside then the bell rang for dinner .

jeez I must've slept for ages.. what was that dream was it memories? of before the maze?

Before I went to go grab dinner I rolled up my sleeve to see if it was a dream or not, I gasped putting my hand over my mouth. They weren't very visible and you had to look very close but they were definitely there. As I was looking at my arm I heard a nock on the door making me jump I quickly rolled my sleeve down and opened the door to see a very handsome looking newt.

"Good you're awake I was coming to see if you wanted to get some dinner as you missed out on lunch and breakfast earlier? only if you want too flora" I hesitated not knowing if I would see those boys again I wasn't ready to hear those comments again but I agreed "umm yes I'll come" I forced a small smile and went outside with newt as we went and got some food.

endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now