Chapter 30 | punished

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omg I can't believe I'm at chapter 30 already!!

Me and newt walked over to the homestead where the meeting was already happening and we heard angry voices arguing about our punishments. We walked inside and all heads turned towards us, the burning sensation of everyone's eyes upon me made me want to run as far away as I could but I controlled my feelings and took a seat next to Newt.

Gally had been complaining for a while and the majority of the gladers in there decided thomas didn't need a punishment as he was already a runner... me on the otherhand they weren't too overjoyed about.

"we can just have non runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it newt!" Gally yelled at us in an angry voice and looked at me waiting for my reaction but I stayed silent.

"'re right we can't just have flora wandering into the glade whenever she wants..its againt our rules..." he glanced down at me and I felt my cheeks turn red from guilt and embarrassment.

"starting from tommorow...she's a runner." my eyes widened at what I had heard and I looked at newt confused, he had a smile on his face...meanwhile the gladers were going wild and didn't agree with terms.

"seriously newt.. you're not gonna punish her at all? SHE BROKE THE RULES!!" gally screamed at us making us all jump a little bit.

"one night in the slammer with no food" newt stated, I had never been in the slammer before overnight so this made me a bit worried but it couldve been way worse.

"newt i-" gally started to argue this but was cut of by a loud beeping noise, I looked around confused and everyone faces had dropped slightly...I then suddenly remembered the noise.

it was the box...

"wait I know that sound.." thomas said before we all rushed outside over to the box. Everyone crowded round the small box and newt jumped down into it. Small phrases being thrown around..

"what do you see newt?"
"is it another girl?"

newt stood in silence for a while, I couldn't see inside the box as all the boys crowded around, then newt said something that made us all gasp.

"it's a girl.." he said before taking a small peice of paper from her hand..

"she's the last one ever."

endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now