chapter 8 | reveal

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I felt the panic rise in my chest and I started to bite my nails was a horrible habit, newt looked at me biting my hands.

"stop biting love, this is serious I need you to listen to me carefully.. okay?" newt looked into my eyes as he said this but I didn't like it this time i knew what was about to happen to me..

"you asked me earlier who had changed your clothes and I didn't see the big deal.. I thought maybe it made you uncomfortable but clearly that wasn't the issue was it flora?" although I could tell he was trying to be serious I could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Jeff told me he saw something when he was changing your shirt, it think you know what I mean love?" he gestured at my arm which I tried to hide behind my back as much as possible.

"flora we know you've been self ha-" newt got cut off by a loud beeping noise, it made us all jump a bit, then I realised I recognised the noise.

it was the box.


everyone in the room looked at eachother confused, the box was coming up 3 days early this time which wasn't a lot but it had never happened before. All the boys rushed outside and i let a deep breath out and felt my chest relax thankful for the situation i had just managed to avoid, I followed them outside far behind them as I didn't want to faint again.

around 15 of us all formed around the box to see the newest arrival whilst some gladers carried on working and weren't interested, one of the builders gally helped newt to open to box and inside was a boy around 17 with dark brown eyes and brunnete hair, he was sweating a bit and clearly was panicking a bit.

Gally jumped into the box landing right infront of the greenie making the boy almost fall over

"day one greenie, rise and shine" said the boy with the weird eyebrows as he lay his hand out for the boy, he and newt both helped the boy out of the box and he looked around confused by what was happening, when all of a sudden he made a run for it. All the gladers around us started cheering and laughing one even shouting "WE GOT OURSELVES A RUNNER!"

We watched as the boy ran until he fell over and face planted into the ground making us all laugh a little, I let out a small laugh but overall felt bad for the boy he clearly wasn't sure what was going on, the boy stood up and looked around before being escorted to the pit by gally and some other gladers.

Newt had noticed I had followed them outside when he saw me standing next to Matthew and laughing and he started to approach me, our eyes locked and I bit my lip nervously feeling the tension between us, finally newt arrived by me and Matthew who had previously been making a joke to me about the greenie falling..

"flora.. come on" newt said sternly motioning his head to my hut, I nodded knowing was was going to happen and I couldn't avoid it this time

"yeah I know.." I said in a disappointed voice, we walked over to my hut and newt opened the door for me and motioned for me to sit on my bed so I did.

"its just us now Nora, no avoiding this talk anymore, we know what you did to yourself flora." newt said standing infront of me.


endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now