Chapter 10 | greenie

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"flora, wake up love.." I felt a loving arm wrap around my waist as the sun beamed into my hut, I yawned and sat up rubb8ng my eyes, my jumper I was wearing was so baggy the sleeve fell down as a I rubbed my eyes, I didn't realise until I looked at newt and saw him looking at my wrist then he looked at me raising and eyebrow

"I have to clean them flora you know that right?" he said in a serious voice never breaking eye contact, he placed an arm on my shoulder and rubbed it slightly as if to try and comfort me, he could clearly see I was worried

"..yeah I know newt, I'm just worried you'll think I'm weird if you see them properly.." I said in a sad voice finally breaking the eye contact by getting out of bed and facing my back to him to walk away and get dressed, as I went to get some fresh clothes I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"flora, i would never think you were weird, I think you're amazing even if you struggle sometimes, trust me love you're not weird, if anyone says otherwise you come get me..okay love?"

I felt my cheeks blush a lot as smiled at newt before giving him a hug, I stay in his arms for a while until we finally break apart when newt let's go off me and picks out an outfit for me.

he got me one of his white hoodies and some black shorts

I put my new outfit on and put my hair in a bun, newt then took my hand and looked right into my eyes yet again cupping my face with the other hand

"are you ready to get cleaned up my love?" he said seriously yet again

my god this man was so hot I think I was falling in love with him...

I nod and we leave my hut.


We eventually arrive at the medhut and when we step inside we see the new greenie that arrived the day prior, he was covered in dirt clearly not have had a shower since he face planted yesterday and I noticed a graze down his arm and a small cut on his face with dry blood around it, must've happened when he fell over yesterday.

The boy was being cleaned up by Jeff as Clint was organising the equipment in the other room. Things were still a big awkward between me and Jeff but I was sure it wouldn't last long he was one of my closest friends in the glade.

"alright love ill go get the cleaning supplies from Clint you take a seat and get comfy" with that newt walked into the other room leaving me Jeff and the greenie who I had yet to introduce myself to.

I sat down as newt had asked me to and then noticed the boy looking at me a little confused, I gathered it had something to do with the fact I was the only girl in the glade so instead of calling him out on his staring I introduced myself.

"hey greenie, welcome to the glade how are you liking it so far?" I said with a smile,

the boys face softened, maybe he was scared of me?

"umm..yeah it's cool, the glades nice..are you the only...well.... girl I suppose" he asked rubbing the back of his head, god this boy was awkward.

"I'm glad you like it here get comfy we aren't leaving anytime soon greenie" I said looking at Clint who let out a laugh, I was happy we laughed at my joke, I looked back at the boy who wasn't laughing.

" joke, yes I am the only girl so far, my names flora it's nice to meet you, do you remember your name yet? I said curious.

"nice to meet you too flora, uh I'm thomas, it came back to me when I got out the pit last night had a fight with gally in the ring, had a little too much of gallys drink.."he said chuckling

we all laughed at the thought of Thomas fighting with gally, and then newt came back in the room with some gloves, a rag and some liquid in a bottle I didn't recognise.

"you're all done thomas go back to the builders you got a long days of work ahead of you" Jeff said to the boy who then thanked him and returned to gally, the tension between then two was hilarious ever since thomas beat gally in the ring last night, me and Jeff still laughing.

newt then slowly rolled my sleeve up revealing the cuts I had done a few days prior, they hurt like he'll and dry blood still cover my arm, I looked up at newt who looked concerned. He put his gloves on and grabbed the rag, he opened the bottle and poured a clear liquid on it that had a strong scent.

"okay flora, this is gonna hurt, are you ready?" he said preparing me for the pain we all knew I was about to endure, I nodded then looked at Jeff who had a serious look on his face.

I hadn't prepared myself yet when all of a sudden I felt a wet rag being placed on my arm, it stung extremely bad causing me to let out a yell, newt continued to clean the cuts and as he cleaned the dried blood more started to come out, not loads but enough for it to need to be bandaged up, I was so hoping I wouldn't need bandages.

"I'm so so sorry love, I really am" he said in a worried voice

I felt tears drip down my face as the excruciating pain continued throughout my entire wrist, after a few minutes newt was done cleaning it and only had to bandage it up now, as he did this Jeff handed me some tissues to dry my tears up and rubbed my back for comfort, newt noticed a shot his a glance without him seeing I thought it was cute how protective he was.

Jeff then walked away to go help Clint who had managed to drop a box of glass and it went all over the floor, with that newt had also finished bandaging my arm and started to roll my sleeve back down.

"all done love.." he said sitting down next to me he wrapped an arm around me bringing me closer to him.

"that was horrible go do I felt so bad, I can't even imagine the pain you just went through, please don't do this again flora..I don't want you to have to go through that again..okay?"

I began to bite my nails a bit as I wasn't sure I would be able to stop but newt was expecting me to promise him, newt noticed me biting my nails.

"stop biting" he said in a loving voice, he then got up to go to a meeting and i went ahead and started working.


A/N: is there anything anyone wants to see in particular?

maybe a kiss scence?

- kaya x

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