Chapter 29 | closing

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I'm back now!!!I can say kinda spoiler the chapter does have an ending that is probably not gonna be liked very much..

I had convinced newt to not take me to the medhut and instead he took me over to his hut, I sat on his bed and he was putting gloves on to inspect my arm that honestly didn't hurt that much i hadn't noticed until he pointed it out but my arm was numb and I didn't feel the pain..

newt came and sat next to me and my bare arm was now visible were he could see the wound, it wasn't too bad but was bad enough it would leave a pretty gnarly scar in the future. Newt put damp cloth on my arm and I immediatly felt the burning sensation crawl through my arm, I winced at the pain looking away to hide my expressions from newt.

"sorry love.." he whispered slightly, concentrated on my arm. After a few minutes he had cleaned my arm and put a bandage around it, I went to get up and leave because many of the keepers were about to start a meeting about me and thomas running into the maze, gally was really upset at our sudden outbursts and couldn't stop giving us dirty looks.

"flora..can I check your wrists please.." newts words caught me of guard.. of course I hadn't hurt myself in a while but having to hear him worry I mightve was enough for my heart break into tiny little peices. I only nodded and looked up at him before I sat back down putting my wrist out infront of him. He looked down and my arm and was smiling.

"well done love, I'm proud of you" he said looking into my eyes, he gave me a small kiss and then we both got up to go to the meeting..I was dreading it thomas wouldn't be in as much trouble as me because he's a runner..but I'd probably have to spend a bit of time in the slammer...



endgame | NEWT, maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now