Chapter 11 | builders

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I was cleaning up the med but when the bell for lunch went I motioned at Jeff and Clint that I was leaving now and then went outside to get some food. I walked over to fry who was handing out food and infront of me lay some chicken and veg, it smelt amazing. Frypan handed me a plate and I thanked him giving him a small smile before I walked away.

I looked around to find someone to sit with and saw thomas who was sat with newt and chuck, a small boy around the age of 11 with curly brown hair, dark eyes, and was a little fat. They all seemed to be having a good time so I went to go to sit with them when all of a sudden a group of builders walked past me giving me dirty looks and some even whispering mean comments.

jts fine flora, I thought to myself they're just being stupid, it doesn't matter

I looked away from them hoping they would leave me alone but I noticed the keeper of the builders walking over to me, I bit the inside of my cheek as I watched him walk over to me, at this point I was close enough to newt Thomas and chuck for them to hear anything so I wasn't worried...that was until he came over to me with his funky eyebrows.

"it's flora right? I'm gally of course you know that, who around here doesn't know my name?" he said with a smirk on his face.

was he trying to flirt with me?

"uh yes it's flora and I know who you are if you don't mind I'm gonna go sit with new-" gally cut me of by coming closer to me and putting his hands on my waist, I looked over at newt who hadn't noticed I was there yet, this made me worried

"gally get off I don't want you touching me.." I tried to push him away but he kept creeping closer to me, I started to back away closer to newts table hoping he would hear me but gally kept coming closer, so close our faces nearly touching, he tried to lean in and kiss me

"gally stop it!" I said in a louder voice


newt came over and punched gally causing him to fall to the ground, newt and gally repeatedly started punching eachother as I screamed for them both to stop it

thankfully the leader of the glade alby had arrived with minho and they managed to separate the two, both of them were separated and they put gally in the pit and let newt explain, then the other way round letting gally explain his side of things

alby told me they would decide the punishments soon, but in the meantime they're both staying in the pit.

at this point I felt tears wet my face once again and then I felt Thomas's arms pull me into a hug and I cried into his shoulder

"gally...he tried to...I pushed him but...I didn't want it...." I tried to say through panic and tears, but thomas just shushed me and hugged me tight.

"hey, hey its gonna be okay it's not you're fault'll be okay"


Thomas had walked me over to my hut and settled me down, god I was so thankful for him, he was about to speak when we got interrupted by my stomach making a loud growling noise, I hadn't gotten to eat my lunch at all because of what had happened, I felt my cheeks get red and hot..

"sorry..I didn't get to eat yet today.." I said full of embarrassment, but thomas wasn't judging, only concerned that I hadn't eaten.

"I don't think fry will have any lunch left but I could go make you some toast if you fancy it flo?" he asked me in a sweet voice

flo was such a nice nickname!! I was happy I had a nickname other than love which newt called me all the time...I then realised how much I missed newt and began to get sad.

"yes please thomas, toast sounds amazing thank you." I said trying my best to hide the sadness in my voice

with that thomas walked away and went to get me some toast, but as soon as he left a feeling of being alone filled my body and I felt tears swell in my eyes, but I knew I couldn't cry now thomas would be back in 10 minutes and notice my red puffy face, I didn't know what to do and then my eyes flashed towards those trousers.

the trousers that had been hiding the blade I stole from the medhut one evening.

without thinking I got up and grabbed the small knife rolled up my sleeve took the bandages of and sliced into my wrist once again.

newt wasn't here to see this so he would have no reason to check my wrists...right?

I did 6 more deep enough cuts and watched the blood drip onto the floor, I stared at it for a moment then remembered thomas had been gone for a few minutes meaning he could be back any second now

panicking I rushed to the bathroom and got a wet rag and dried the blood of the floor as best I could and without thinking I wrapped the bandages up without cleaning them

from the corner of my eye I saw newt heading towards my hut and I quickly put on the baggiest jumper i had stolen from newt and threw it on, I stood up and quickly hid the knife under my bed instead of the trousers and then started to put a low braid in my hair so if thomas asked what I was doing when he left I could show him my hair.

I went and sat on my bed and just as I did thomas entered my hut and handed me my toast I thanked him and started to eat it, it was amazing.

"thank you thomas, you're an amazing friend..." I gave him a smile and continued eating, my wrist was stinging and without thinking I held onto my arm to try to prevent the pain

"what's wrong flora, did you hurt your arm out there earlier?" he asked slightly concerned. Now panicking yet again I ignored his question and complimented his food, just then newt opened the door to my hut, I jumped up and hugged him as tight as I could.

we stayed like that for a long time and when we finally parted newt gave me a kiss on the lips and I kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck

"uhh guys I'm still here?" thomss said disgusted

I giggled a bit then got of newt and apologized to thomss sarcastically, he got up to leave but turned around at the last minute

"oh and flora go to the med hut you've clearly hurt your arm, out there today" and with that he walked away

i felt newts eyes burning on me and didn't dare to look him in the eyes.


A/N: am I making my chapters too long ? and yet again suggestions are welcome!!!

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