Chapter 15 | assessmemt

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When we entered the medhut I watched as Jeff and Clint dragged Ben I a separate room and tied him down to a bed, they shut the door and locked it behind them, Jeff looked up at me and I saw tears running down his I went to walk over to him I noticed Clint walking over to him and they went into a separate room...

I remembered thomas was also here so I made him sit down, on the small bed infront of me, I went and got some gloves on, and as I turned around to leave I saw gally walk into the room, I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my wrist stopping me, also causing my wrist to sting so bad.

"gally let me go" I said through the pain and frustration, I tried to pull my arm away from him but he just tightened his grip, I wouldn't be surprised if he left bruises on me.

"I don't have to hurt you, flora... I just wanna talk to you, it wasn't my fault the other night you were asking for it..." he said smirking getting closer to me, I felt him getting closer and closer to me and took the advantage to kick him in the crotch. The boy immediately leant over and I ran out the room.

Thomas was sat paintently waiting for me to come back, out of breath I walked over to him and took a deep breath.

"you good flo? what happened" he said confused noticing my unsteady breathing and look of horror plastered on my face, I I nodded a bit giving him a smile half ignoring the question and lifted the back of his shirt which revealed a few blue bruises across his back, nothing that a little rest wouldn't help with.

"you're all good thomas, I could give you an ice pack or something...if uh-" my breathing was getting even more unsteady and I felt my hands shaking.

"uh.. if you w.." I felt a panicky feeling rising in my chest and the feeling of not bring able to breath properly taking over my body, thomas stood up and moved closer to me.

"flo come sit down please...what happened back there I heard something.."

as he was saying this he was walking me over to a small room with a door that could be locked for some privacy, I trusted thomas wouldn't tell anyone if I told him what gally had just done, I started to tell him what happened as we moved closer to the small room.

"well...I.. I uh was getting my stuff from..the equipment room..and I was gonna leave.. then gally-"

"wait gally did something again after what happened, you're kidding" thomas was clearly pissed off

when we entered the room and saw newt standing with Jeff who had stopped crying and was all better, they turned around when the saw us and concern washed over them.

"thomas lets to somewhere else.." I grabbed Thomas's jumper and tried to get him to leave with me but he closed the door, standing infront of it.

"did I just hear what I think I heard thomas." newt asked also getting angry, Jeff had also stood up by now and they were both watching me and thomas, waiting for a reply.

"we came into the hut and flora went to get some equipment and I heard voices and some crashing noise..then when flo returned she was shaking and her breathing was visibly unsteady, she tried to speak but she looked like she was gonna cry so I walked her over to here and when we were walking she said gallys name and that's when I got angry and we came here..still waiting on her reply.." thomas said now looking at me.

i looked up and noticed all 3 of them looking at me, newts fists were clenched and I didn't want him to do something stupid and get punished for it.

"I.. it was really not that big of a deal... I overreacted, he didn't do anything that bad guys.." I said before biting my nails.

"love..tell us what happened." newt said now crossing his arms, I sighed a bit then started explaining how gally had grabbed me and how I was asking for what happened the other night, as I was saying this I noticed they all seemed furious.

"he grabbed me and he wouldn't let go and th-" I hadn't noticed the tears flowing down my face until I couldn't speak though them anymore and covered my face with my hands sitting down in the floor, leaning against the wall

Newt immediately came next to me and pulled me into his arms, he held me and let me cry into his shoulder, he muttered some stuff I could barely hear but he was calm when he spoke, he was so comforting it was one of my favourite things about him

"I promise you love, I will never, ever let this happen again...and if it does I will deal with it myself, and it won't be the pit next time..." he said annoyed, Jeff had also sat down next to me and was rubbing my shoulder, I loved these guys so much they ment the world to me..

"thanks you guys.. I'm gonna head over to my hut now I got tears all over this shirt" I let out a small laugh and got up, newt gently grabbed my hand before I could leave.

"do you want me to come with you flora?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"no thank you love, I'm gonna shower really quick the heats getting to me" he nodded slowly and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I walked over to my hut and sat down on my bed for a little bit, I got up and chose some fresh clothes, an oversized black hoodie (newts ofc), some grey sweatpants and a cropped short sleeved white shirt, that fit perfectly on my body.

I went and turned the shower on waiting for it to get warm before getting in, once I had gotten in I started washing myself and when I had to wash my hair I noticed my arm felt even worse than normal and I looked down and it and it was covered in bruises from where gally had grabbed me earlier, I felt tears form in my eyes again, I washed my hair as quick as possible and got out the shower got dressed, and brushed my hair out letting it air dry.

I sat down at my desk looking in the mirror at myself, all I could think off was how badly my arm hurt even tho it felt completely numb to the touch. I opened my drawer and saw those trousers, I grabbed the blade out of the pocket and dragged the blade across my wrist a few times, afterwards I didn't feel satisfied and then I took my trousers off and placed a few deep cuts on my thigh aswell I placed a wet rag on top of them and winced at every touch I got some bandaged out of my drawer and wrapped my wrist up again even tho the white bandaged soon turned red.

I left my thigh without a bandage and then changed into some black sweatpants instead so the grey ones didn't get stained, during all of this the bell for dinner had gone but I was too tired to get some and just lay down in my bed and went to sleep.

A/N: I know gally wasn't like this but I wanted a bad guy and he was the one that came to mind.

maybe they will make up and he'll have some character development...

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