Chapter 42

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Lily couldn't believe she was back home with the Holmes family. Mycroft had warned with a very careful phrase of words that had her on her best behavior. But, even that couldn't quell her excitement as she walked in to greet the mother and father of the man she was coming to re-love.

Lily listened in the dining room as a church choir sang the Christmas carol, "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." from a radio.

"Oh, Dear God, it's only two o'clock. It's been Christmas Day for at least a week now." Mycroft groaned.

Lily smiled from her seat, "I like the holidays. Freedom at its finest."

Mycroft looked over at her, "We can test that theory-"


Sherlock walked in the entrance and pulled his chair next to Lily's before sitting and wrapping his arm around the back of her chair. He frowned for a moment, a picture of a young girl invading his mind next to all the other pieces of scrambled bits of text in his brain.

After pushing John into the revelation of who Mary was - something about Lily was off as well, but he couldn't figure out just what.

Then the brother's mother walked, and any gears working to piece together why Lily was being connected to a closed room in his mind dissipated.

"Mikey, is this your computer?" The boy's mother asked.

Mycroft looks at his mother with cold eyes, "On which depends the security of the free world, yes. And you've got potatoes on it."

"Shouldn't leave around important items," Lily muttered.

"He shouldn't have come at all," Sherlock whispered into her ear.

Lily smiled and looked up at him, "Well aren't you snappy today."

"Love, please," Sherlock frowned, "Let's not start on how outrageous Christmas is."

The brother's mother only smiled at her son and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, "We are here because Sherlock is home from hospital and we are all very happy."

Lily watched as Mycroft looked down at his watch, "Am I happy too? I haven't checked."

"Well I am happy," Lily said, "Even though I was left for a month."

Sherlock simply pressed a kiss to her cheek. But, she leaned into it anyway finding small comfort in the sheer care that the detective had shown since he had been back.

At first, she didn't believe the moments when he would place a kiss on her cheek. But then, she found moments where he would come up and wrap an arm around her with a kiss on her cheek.

 When it began to add up, she found herself looking for the moments when it was clear that their relationship had shifted into something more the friends.

Lily snapped out of her daydreaming with the click of Mycroft's teacup, "I'm not even sure why you're here, Lily."

Sherlock's arm curled tighter around Lily, "I invited her."

"Yes Mike," The brother's mother spoke up, "Sherlock has brought a darling girl home, which dear, I am impressed you managed to put with him after all these months."

Lily felt a red hue spread across her cheeks. If only Sherlock's mother had remembered her. Perhaps then she would have known that Lily had put up with Sherlock for a long time.

"Yes, it is lovely when he brings his friends around." Mycroft mused.

"Stop it, you. Somebody's put a bullet in my boy and if I ever find out who, I shall turn monstrous." Mrs. Holmes said. She had come up to stand next to Sherlock before patting his cheek lovingly and walking into the living room.

Lily stared at the motion momentarily but then quickly shook her head.

In front of her, Sherlock gave her some tea before kissing her head and staring at her for a moment. Lily took a sip to cover the blush on her face.

However, once she set it down, she saw a wave of black cross her vision and watched as the lights in the room spun.

Her hands flew out but were encased with a firm grip setting them down gently.

"Sherlock," She cried.

"This is for your safety Lily, I can't get you hurt," Sherlock muttered through her spinning state.

It only took a few moments for her to register that she had been drugged and that she was now losing consciousness. Lily tried to push herself, but it was useless, her control was slipping through her fingers and the only thing she could do to help herself was to lean on Sherlock's figure as he helped her against her seat.

Then the world went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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