Chapter 9

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Later Lily went back out to find food, but instead found Mycroft playing a game with Sherlock. Lily stood for a second before making her way slowly into the living room.

"All very interesting, Sherlock, but the terror has been moved to critical." Mycroft announced not looking up from the game. Lily didn't know what the game was but Mycroft did something to cause him to frown. Lily watched in confusion, why did he tilt his head in confusion?

"Boring. Your move." Sherlock said.

"We have solid information. An attack is coming." Mycroft repeated.

"'Solid information'. A secret terrorist organization's planning an attack - that's what secret terrorist organizations do, isn't it? It's their version of golf." Sherlock dismissed.

"Golf?" Lily asked.

"An agent gave his life to tell us that." Mycroft continued.

Sherlock rolled his eyes, "Oh, well, perhaps he shouldn't have done. He was obviously just trying to show off."

Mycroft held back a sigh, "None of these markers of yours is behaving in any way suspiciously?" He makes a move on the game they play, "Your move."

"No, Mycroft, but you have to trust me. I'll find the answer. It'll be an odd phrase in an online blog, or an unexpected trip to the countryside, or a misplaced Lonely Hearts Ad." Sherlock looks down at the board displayed before him, "Your move."

Mycroft looks up at Sherlock. His eyes even flash briefly over at Lily, "I've given the prime minister my personal assurance you're on the case."

"I am on the case." He motioned to Lily, "We're both on the case. Look at us right now." Sherlock said exasperated.

Lily watches as Mycroft does something with the game in front of the boys. She jumps slightly when a red light flashes and buzzing noise sounds. "Oh, bugger!" Mycroft claims.

"Oopsie!" Sherlock smirks. "Can't handle a broken heart - how very telling."

"Don't be smart." Mycroft scoffs.

"That takes me back. 'Don't be smart, Sherlock. I'm the smart one.'" Sherlock mocks in a very high voice. Lily grimaces. She remembered Mycroft saying that to him all the time when they were younger. One of the reasons Lily never opposed when Eurus decided to experiment with Mycroft.

"I am the smart one." Mycroft frowns.

Sherlock looks away into nothing, "I used to think I was an idiot."

"Both of us thought you were an idiot, Sherlock we had nothing else to go on 'til we met other children." Mycroft discreetly flashed a look over to Lily.

Sherlock nodded, "Oh, yes. That was a mistake."

Mycroft nodded as well, "Ghastly. What were they thinking of?" Even Lily gave a small nudge nod at Mycroft's statement.

"Probably something about trying to make friends." Sherlock mumbled.

Lily's head dropped and she focused on the game. Sherlock did have a friend, when he stumbled upon the orphanage he found a friend. Sherlock found her.

"Oh yes. Friends. Of course, you go in for that sort of thing now." Mycroft says.

Sherlock looked up at Mycroft, "And you don't? Ever? How did Lily come about then?"

"If you seem slow to me, Sherlock, can you imagine what real people are like? I'm living in a world of goldfish."

"Yes, but I've been away for two years." Sherlock remarked.

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