Chapter 35

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Lily awoke to an empty 221B.

"Sherlock?" She questioned into the empty air, she walked to the open door of her bedroom and peeked her head to the end of the hallway where Sherlock's bedroom door was. She doubted he was in there, he never slept.

Her eyes turned down the other way towards the open living room. There was no Sherlock to be found. Her feet padded towards the kitchen, but still no Sherlock.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, where was Sherlock?

"Don't wait up, Love. I'm going to be on a case." Sherlock said dragging on his coat and stepping out into the world of London.

Lily hadn't said anything other than waving a hand as her nose continued to bury itself in her book.

That was three weeks ago.

She shook her head and began to get ready. A visit to her lovely parents was due.


 "John!" Lily yelled.

Her fist began banging on the door, "John!" She yelled again.

After a moment the door swung open to reveal the annoyed-looking John and behind her a wide-eyed Mary and another crying woman. Lily paused looking at the crying woman, she didn't want to have to console anyone, she was not in the mood to deal with domestic London.

"What is it?" John asked her.

Lily's looked back at him, "Sherlock's time is up, it's been three weeks - practically a month. I need to find him."

John looked at her for a considering moment then looked back at Mary and then at the woman who was still crying on their sofa, "Where exactly?"


 When they pulled up the abandoned building Lily could only stare until the car stopped, then she jumped out of the car without a word and walked straight in.

"Er, excuse you!" Someone yelled briefly behind her, but John took the attention away from her quickly. She was on a mission, there was no reason to get delayed.

Then her eyes snapped to a familiar head of black curls, except he was no longer polished and looking like the familiar consulting detective that Lily was used to seeing nowadays. No, this Sherlock was an addict version of her.

When those blue eyes locked onto her, she could feel the apprehension and tension all over her body, "Sherlock."

"Ah, hello, Love."

"Don't call me that."

"Then hello, Lily."

She frowned at him. The addict version of Sherlock was not a pretty one. Then his eyes flickered over to the man who was standing behind her with another addict on his shoulder.

"Ah, hello, John. Didn't expect to see you here. Did you come for me too?" Sherlock asked.

Lily took Issac off of John's shoulders and brought him outside to John and Mary's car. 

"Hallo, Issac." Mary greeted upon seeing the boy.

Issac nodded his head, "Mrs. Watson - can I, can I get in, please?"

Mary nodded her head and motioned to the car, then her eyes turned to Lily. There was a shine in her eyes when she looked at her, like a mother.

"You know you will always be my first, right?" Mary asked her.

Lily looked at her with tears in her eyes, then back to the document in her hand. Adoption papers - adoption papers for her to become the daughter of John and Mary Watson.

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