Chapter 12

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Lily was lounging around in her room. Her door stayed open all the time, and her windows never closed. Lily loved her bed. She had come to find that a regular mattress was much more comfortable then the ones at Sherrinford.

Of course though, Lily got the room directly connected to the wall where the stairs up were. So when she heard footsteps, her feet carried out and down the hall where Sherlock was standing in front of the door

Just before him a spot of blonde hair was showing just around Sherlock's broad shoulder, Mary.

"Mary?" Lily muttered coming around to stand just behind Sherlock. "What are you doing here?"

Mary gave her a smile before turning her phone out for both Sherlock and Lily to see. "Someone sent me this. At first I thought it was just a Bible thing, you know, spam, but it's not. It's a skip-code." She explained.

Lily looked down to the phone outstretched.

Save souls now! John or James Watson? Saint or sinner? James or John? The more is Less?

Lily furrowed her eyebrows. Only a few words were jumping out at her from the simple strand of text. Saint James The Less.

"Now." Sherlock rushed. He pulled on his coat whilst grabbing Lily and slamming the door behind him. Lily had no time to react as her body flew down the stairs with Sherlock. She could hear Mary's steps pounding behind her as well.

"Where are we going?" Mary asked behind the duo.

Lily turned to speak to Mary's concerned eyes. "St James the Less, if I'm right. It's a church. I don-".

"Twenty minutes by car." Sherlock stated. "Did you drive here?"

"Er, yes." Mary replied.

Sherlock paused, "It's too slow."

Lily paused just behind him and took a big intake of breath. She was not used to physical activity and rather despised the thought of physical activity. "Sherlock? What are we waiting for?"

Lily watches as Sherlock points behind her. She turns around and stands straight as a single headlight stops abruptly in front of her. Stopping completely she sees a double seated, shining red, motorcycle.

"Lily, I am about to teach you the unsafe way to ride a motorcycle." Sherlock announces coming around and kicking the current driver off.

Lily watches for a moment before a helmet is outstretched to her. She looks down in confusion, "Sherlock what is this."

Sherlock sighs before coming and placing the helmet on her head, securing it then tilting her head up from the straps to look at him, "Safety, for you at least. Don't need you getting hurt."

Lily takes a breath before nodding her head and following Sherlock to the motorcycle. "Mary. I want you to give Lily your phone and then drive to the church. We'll save him."

Mary nods and passes her phone to Lily who secures it in her hands then wraps her arms around Sherlock.

"Okay." Sherlock nods before taking off quickly.

 Lily squeals and then tightens her grip. But, the phone vibrates in her hand.

Getting warmer Mr. Holmes. You have about ten minutes.

"What are they doing to him?" Lily yells over the wind.

"I don't know." Sherlock yells back.

The motorcycle speeds up. The phone vibrates again in Lily's hand.

8 minutes, and counting.

"Sherlock, time to speed it up, timers ticking!" Lily yells again.

A road block comes in the road though and Sherlock turns the bike over coming to a very harsh stop in front of the detour. Lily begins to fall off the back but an arm swings around her waist and settles her as her vision refocuses on Sherlock's frustrated features.


Lily shakes her head, "No time. Quickly, come on!"

Lily grabs Sherlock's hand and begins to drag him down alleyways. She skips past a couple of policemen and civilians going on with their day and slowly the church appears in the skyline.

Better hurry things are hotting up here.

Lily frowns and begins to race faster, Sherlock now running beside her. The church comes into view and Lily can now see a big bonfire.

Her mind flashes to the Holmes ancestral estate. How Eurus burned the house down in pure fun. But there was nobody in that home. John Watson was in this pit of fire.

Lily felt Sherlock speed up beside her.

Stay of execution. You've got two more minutes.

Lily looks out at the traffic and an alleyway just to the right. She swings Sherlock around with her and takes off through the alleyway and closer to the bonfire, it was close now.

What a shame Mr. Holmes. John is quite a Guy!

"Sherlock, do you know what it means?" Lily asked as they sprint forward.

Sherlock looks down at the phone for a minute before he lets go of Lily and hurries forward, Lily tries to keep up, but Sherlock had reached a new speed. "Oh my god."

Now Lily could hear John's screams. Her own heartbeat sped up and her feet carried her faster than she thought she could go.

"Move!" Lily snarls, throwing people out of the way as her and Sherlock connect with the crowd. Her heels pelt into people's feet and their bodies are thrown sideways with the shoves Sherlock and Lily throw.

"John!" Sherlock yells out.

Lily runs up behind Sherlock as John cries from the fire. Lily throws herself down and begins to throw pieces of burning wood aside making a path for Sherlock to reach in and grab John. "John?"

A hand connects to Sherlock's outstretched arm and from the flames he pulls out a scorched John Watson breathing heavily. Lily collapses with a shudder. She could hear Mary finally arriving and rushing over to her fiance. Sherlock cradles him.

Lily stands and awkwardly looks around, she wasn't really welcome. She didn't really know John Watson, but she did know he was a good enough man, and good enough men shouldn't die.

At least, good enough men like John Watson shouldn't die.

Because from what Lily could tell, Sherlock cared about John. So Lily cared as well, but in all the months of knowing him.

She couldn't just say he annoyed her anymore, John, like Mary, had a soft spot in her heart. A father figure, a father to complete her mother figure Mary. Her own set of parents.

 So no, John Watson did not deserve to die. And so forth Lily knelt down and took his hand gently, because good enough men didn't deserve to die, and John was a good enough man.

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