Chapter 6

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Lily was walking with Sherlock down the street. And she was enamored. London life was so interesting to watch, all the mothers and fathers surging into the drug store to buy alcohol for their addictions.

She watched parents walk their children to the parks. Although some of those kids didn't need to be there with their struggling thoughts of superiority. She smiled though, one child reminded her of Eurus.

And the men and women who had no addictions, but were boring middle class civilians. Their children in school and spouses off at their own line of work. They lazily walked towards their place of employment.

"You're so enamored with a light post." Sherlock said not looking at her.

Lily looked up at him. But her eyes didn't linger for long, she found she got nervous looking at him for periods of time. Instead, her eyes found that of a family eating outside a diner.

"Well. Where I came from I didn't have a light post." Lily answered.

She could feel Sherlock's eyes on her. But Lily kept her eyes forward. She figured Sherlock was giving her a weird stare, and was probably about to ask her-

"Where are you from? An isolated place, on the coast. Somewhere clean. You never went outside either." Sherlock rambled.

"Where are we going?" Lily diverted.

"You changed the subject, Lily." Sherlock argued.

Lily looked up to find his eyes. The same blue from their childhood. It was a shame, in Lily's mind, that Sherlock forgot about her.

"Why should I trust a man I just met with the stories of my childhood?" Lily asked.

Sherlock looked at her for a moment before nodding his head and diverting his eyes in front of them again, "Fair."

Sherlock and Lily ended up at the restaurant that Mycroft had informed them John was eating at. Well, Sherlock had arrived at least. He told Lily to stand outside and wait for him, he made it very clear for her to stay outside.

But, Lily was curious. Being in London after being stuck at Sherrinford for so many years had disassembled what her parents taught her as obedience. But, this was Sherlock, so Lily took to watching through a window.

Her eyes caught who she assumed was John and a woman. John was a man who looked older than he was. He had gray hair and a mustache. His eyes were brown, and he had the stature of a shoulder. Afghanistan if Lily had to guess.

That had to go. The woman across from him was beautiful though. She had blonde hair but Lily couldn't make out her eyes. She wasn't an ordinary woman though. Lily couldn't figure out why she stood out but Lily could see a lie. Interesting.

Lily watched for a few moments. She was enjoying Sherlocks failed attempts to get John's attention. He was certainly enamored with the woman in front of him. But the woman got up, and Lily watched as Sherlock once more made a failed attempt to talk to him.

This certainly was entertaining.

Then John looked up. And he was furious. Lily decided that was when she should go in. So she walked around from the window to the door. Entering she got many curious stares but she bounded straight to the middle of the restaurant.

She watched as John bent over the table, goodness domestics were so emotional.

"Two years." John said. "Two years."

Sherlock stood there, Lily paused, maybe John would be rational.

"I thought..." John paused. John took a breath and stood back up, "I thought you were dead. Now, you let me grieve, hmm? How could you do that?" He asked.

Sherlock could only put his head down.

"How?" John asked in a whisper. His breathing was slowly picking up, Lily took a step forward. Just in case.

"Wait - before you do something you might regret.." Sherlock tried to reason. "Um, one question. Just let me ask one question. Are you really gonna keep that?" He pointed to his top lip referring to John's mustache.

Lily sighed, bringing a hand to her forehead. John had tackled Sherlock to the ground and was beginning to attempt to choke him. Lily quickly rushed over and began to thrash around with John to get him off.

She eventually did, but since they were kicked out she followed the group in silence as they walked down the street towards another restaurant. This one being considerably less fancy.

The group sat at a small table. Lily next to Sherlock. John next to his girlfriend. John was glaring, Mary was confused. Lily was looking at the different types of food in the glass cupboard displayed.

Why display food?

"I calculated that there were thirteen possibilities once I'd invited Moriarty onto the roof. I wanted to avoid dying at all if possible." Sherlock looked into space, probably revisiting the memory.

"The first scenario involved hurling myself into the parked hospital van filled with washing bags. Impossible. The angle was too steep. Secondly, a system of Japanese wrestling-"

"You know, for a genius you can be remarkably thick." John interrupted.

Sherlock looked over with shock written on his face. "What?"

"I don't care how you faked it, Sherlock. I wanna know why." John explained.

"Why? Because Moriarty had to be stopped." Sherlock answered. But a look at John's pointed look and Sherlock took a breath, "Oh. 'Why' as in.. I see. Yes. 'Why?' That's a little more difficult to explain."

John gave another glare, "I've got all night."

Sherlock looked down at his hands. "Actually, um, that was mostly Mycroft's idea."

"Oh, so it's your brother's plan?" John asked.

The woman spoke up, "Oh, he would have needed a confidant."


The woman looked over at John, "Sorry."

"But he was the only one? The only one who knew? John clarified.

And for the next time, to Lily's dismay, Sherlock looked back at his hands. Lily looked over at a couple sitting together. Married thirty-five years happily. Oh to be an old couple.

"Couple of others." Sherlock mumbled. "But it was a very elaborate plan - it had to be. The next of the thirteen possibilities."

A silence fell over and Lily almost decided to leave if not for John's quiet question.

"Who else?" John looked up at Sherlock. "Who else knew? Who?"

"Molly." Sherlock mumbled.


"John." The woman next to him said softly.

Sherlock quickly stepped in though, "Molly Hooper - and some of my homeless network , and that's all."

"Okay." John sighed leaning back in his seat, "Okay. So just your brother, and Molly Hooper, and a hundred tramps."

Sherlock gave a quiet chuckle, this pulled Lily's attention. In fact, it pulled Lily's attention just as John hurled himself at Sherlock for the second time that night. And for the second time that night, Lily scrambled to get him off of Sherlock with the help of John's girlfriend.

Well, this John Watson was quite more emotional then Lily had thought out to be.

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