Chapter 17

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Lily was sitting on the sofa with Mary. Lestrade was sitting in John's chair and Mrs. Hudson was sitting nearby as well.

She was very glad when the two came around that afternoon due to the press wanting the story about the bomb from the reimbursed duo and sudden addition to the team.

"What is 'press'?" Lily asked Mary.

Mary turned to her with a soft smile, "Reporters, darling, they tell the London domestic about news going on around."

Lily tilted her head in confusion, "Why report it? People will know about it soon enough, shouldn't they?"

"Oh darling, the reporters are the ones who tell people the news. Otherwise, it will never get told." Mary explained.

Lily nodded her head slowly, "I think I understand. Oh, what about the wedding?"

Mary smiled, "I haven't even told you I was engaged."

"Well, judging by the ring on your finger you said yes. So stop insulting my intelligence and tell me if you've set a date." Lily grumbled.

Mary laughed and shook her head, "Well, we thought May."

"Oh! Spring wedding!" Mrs. Hudson clapped.

Lily turned her head as Sherlock and John walked in, "But of course you didn't decide that until he actually proposed." She gave a pointed look towards Sherlock.

 "Yeah." John laughed.

Lestrade smiled at Mary, "Well, I can't wait."

John smiles at him putting on his coat. Sherlock walks over to the window looking down at the street, Lily watches in confusion. Shouldn't he be happy about the marriage?

"You will be there, Sherlock?" Marry asks.

Sherlock turns, "Wedding - not really my thing."

Lily frowns, "Shouldn't you be happy that your best friend is getting married?"

"Lily, do you even know what a wedding is?"

"No, but from what I can tell, you should be happy." Lily grumbled.

Sherlock smiled down at her, she was so clueless. She was fascinated by a lamp post, how a woman would crouch on the street to pet a dog, and how domestic people were so sensitive to such little things. She truly was the most unique woman Sherlock had ever come across. Lily was beautiful as well - wait, no.

Don't go there Sherlock, he scolded.

Lily's attention was then drawn to the door where Molly Hooper came through the door. She frowned. She had only met Molly once. It was brief, but it was enough for Lily to not like her. The obvious crush she had on Sherlock made her vomit inside.

"Hello, everyone." She whispered.

Did Lily forget to mention that she was beyond the average point of awkwardness?

"Hello, Molly." John smiled.

But that's not what interested Lily at that moment. What caught her eye was the fact that Molly had walked in with someone who, with what she assumed a lot of effort, looked very uncomfortably similar to Sherlock.

"Tom, this is everyone." Molly introduced.

Tom. What kind of boring domestic name is Tom?

Lily watched as Tom timidly waved his hand at everyone, "Hello."

Sherlock came over and lent down near Lily's ear, "Don't insult, it's rude."

"I wasn't insulting him, I'm just looking."

"Lily, you are giving him a face of disgust. Keep your composure, even if his efficient copying look is pitiful."

Lily held back a laugh in her hands covering it with a cough.

Tom looked over at her, "Are you okay?"

Lily coughed louder, "Er- yes, fine, thank you."

"Ready?" Sherlock asks John.

John nodded, grabbing Lily's coat and holding it out for her. Sherlock and Lily move simultaneously, getting their coats and tying them.

Walking out the door and shutting it behind them, the trio pauses at the stairwell waiting for Sherlock as he ties his scarf around his neck. John stares at him.

"I'm still waiting." John said.


"Why did they try to kill me?" John asked, "If they knew you were on to them, why go after me - put me in a bonfire?"

Sherlock sighed, "I don't know. I don't like not knowing."

Sherlock finishes tying his scarf and began to descend the stairs, John and Lily follow.

"Unlike the nicely embellished fictions of your blog, John, real life is rarely so neat." Sherlock stops at the bottom of the stairs, "I don't know who was behind all this, but I will find out, I promise you."

Lily chuckled, "Don't pretend you're not enjoying this."

He looked down at Lily, "What?"

"Being back. Being the hero again." Lily smiles.

Sherlock scoffs, "Don't be stupid, Lily."

"You'd have to be an idiot not to see it. You love it." John nodded his head.

"Love what?"

Lily shakes her head, "Being, Sherlock Holmes!"

"Lily, don't make jokes, you're not funny. Also, I don't even know what that's supposed to mean." Sherlock mumbled turning down the hallway and putting his gloves on.

"Sherlock, you are gonna tell me how you did it?" John whispered, "How you jumped off that building and survived?"

Lily paused behind Sherlock who didn't turn around. She sighed, in her mind this was not the right moment for this conversation.

"You know my methods, John. I am known to be indestructible."

"No, but seriously." John then pressed, "When you were dead, I went to your grave."

Sherlock nodded, "I should hope so."

"I made a little speech. I actually spoke to you." John mumbled.

Sherlock turned around, but his eyes focused on the soft waves of Lily's golden hair embedded with brown in it. He found the pattern of it comforting, like little waves in an ocean of gold.

"I know. I was there." He finally breathed.

He looked up at John's eyes. His best friend, the man who was with for everything in the last four years. The pain he must have felt, and Sherlock would never know. Then he looked down at Lily, she had rested her head against his chest.

What he didn't see, however, was his arm had moved on reflex to cradle around her waist. He looked down at her for a moment, she fit into his arms like a glove.

Sherlock shook his head, now wasn't the time for that.

"Anyway, time to go and be Sherlock Holmes."

Turning around quickly he takes two deerstalkers from the coat rack by the door. Putting one on himself he turns back around and stuffs the other one on Lily's head. She giggled quietly, but Sherlock's lips curved up at the noise.

Lily took in a breath before standing in between Sherlock and John. John opens the door and the three step out.

Flashes of light crowd Lily's eyes as the door's open and Lily's hand instinctively moves into Sherlock's. But he welcomes it, holding it tightly his other hand moves to pull up the flaps of her coat near her face.

Lily wasn't paying attention though. Her mind was wandering to Sherrinford. Her white cell with fluorescent lights that only ever went off when it was time to sleep.

"Are you okay?" She heard Sherlock whisper.

"Yes." She responded.

He squeezed her hand once more before looking up and preparing himself to face the press. 

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