Chapter 3

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Eurus walked in, but she wasn't alone. Lily stood watching carefully. Why was Eurus with the guards, what was she doing? But Lily also knew the plan. If Eurus had succeeded in what Lily hoped she had then Eurus had control of Sherrinford.

And if Eurus had control. Lily was free.

"Remove the glass." Eurus muttered to the guards on either side of her. And they did.

The room was no longer a cell. It was just a room, it could be considered a bedroom but that was a stretch. Lily stood on the edge where the glass once halted her, it was gone. Years of isolation behind this point in the floor and now it was lifted. Lily was free.

"I don't understand." Lily said. "Why are they removing the glass?"

"Because Lily, I run Sherrinford now. And because I run Sherrinford, you run Sherrinford. Don't you want to be free?"


"Then be free Lily flower, be free."

Lily looked down at her dress, her little white dress. Then at her heels, her little white heels. She turned to the tips of her hair, the golden and brown hair. And at her skin, her pale skin. Then Lily looked at Eurus, she was free. There was no more glass barrier or the thought of what lies beyond the door.

 Lily stepped over the line and walked past Eurus opening her door with the gold inscribed on it and looked across the hall.

Eurus Holmes

She turned her head down the long dimly light stone hallway that was gray, and quiet, and unfamiliar but familiar. The same hallway that Lily had walked down as a fifteen year old girl. She stepped out and let the door close behind her, Lily turned and looked at her name inscribed on the outside of her door.

Lily Remmerison

Then the door opened. Eurus stood in the doorway watching Lily closely. Lily smiled and turned to the hallway. She reached out and grabbed Eurus' hand and began trekking down the long damp, gray, cold hallway.

Her heels made little clicking sounds throughout the corridor and down the hallway she saw the outline of the elevator. Her pace sped up.

Sunlight, what did the sun look like again, what did the water look like, what did the sky look like, what did the air taste like, what was the earth like?

Once she got to the foot of the elevator she clicked the button and stood patiently.

"What is the plan, Euro?" Lily asked, her face looking at the elevator door, waiting for it to open like it did many years ago.

"We take over Sherrinford. We bring Sherlock and Mycroft, we experiment, and we become free for good." Eurus said shortly.

A little bell clicked and the doors of the elevator slid open. Lily walked inside, Eurus following her. Lily reached over and hit a random button. It didn't matter where she went, as long as she could see the sun.

"How do we get them here?" Lily asked.

"A very interesting man came to visit me a couple of years ago. His name was Moriarty, I got five minutes alone with him, and a bunch of silly recordings. He is interested in Sherlock." Eurus paused looking over at Lily,

"He's picked up a pet. John Watson. A doctor, his best friend now. But it helped me understand how I want to go about the experiment. Sherlock is getting emotional, so maybe context." Eurus finished.

Lily looked down at her heels, "Sherlock was always emotional. Context will just make his brain run faster, he's empathetic, he loves people, but Mycroft has strained his emotions so he doesn't know how to project it."

"Yes, the point of adding context." Eurus nodded.

Lily looked up at Eurus, "What context do you plan to use?"

 Eurus frowned. That's when Lily picked up on it. Eurus wanted Sherlock to see her. Ever since their youth Eurus went out of her way to attract the attention of her brother, wanting him to see her as more than just his little sister, but a friend.

Eurus was going to force Sherlock to see her. Because deep down Eurus was the same as Sherlock. They both had empathy within their hearts. They both had emotions rolled up into a pile of tangled mess because they were taught it was weak by Mycroft.

But Lily knew better, the point of this experiment was for Sherlock to realize that Eurus needed help and in Eurus' mind, Sherlock was the only one who could help.

"He'll see you Eurus, he'll see us together and help us down from our long flight. I promise." Lily said.

Eurus didn't reply but the grip on which she had over Lily's hand tightened. Just as the door of the elevators opened.

For the first time in a long time, Lily saw the sun.

The girls looked at each other and walked out into a ray of sunlight streaming through a great wide window. It was beautiful. There was an ocean surrounding Sherrinford, it was a gray blue, the waters were rough and you could smell the scent of ocean throughout the air.

Lily walked up to the window and placed a palm facing out towards the sea. Freedom, free from the cage. Her cell. The place she called home ever since she was fifteen. But it was different, in her cell no windows adorned the walls. I white light illuminated a white room with white furnishings.

But now, the room was placed with windows and yellow lighting, calm lighting. The walls weren't white but a mixture of stone and wood. It had a modern look about it, a classy elegant look. It was professional.

"This Lily, we run all of this now." Eurus said.

Lily turned to look at her friend. "I know."

Eurus smiled and took her hand leading her to a computer where Eurus sat down and began to type.

"The governor. He was the one who I persuaded. He has given me access to everything, I run this prison now. And now that you're out we can slowly begin to lead Sherlock to this rock. Right now he is currently dealing with Moriarty." Eurus explained. She began to type things into the computer.

"Moriarty?" Lily asked

"A consulting criminal. The opposite of Sherlock. Sherlock fights crime, Moriarty creates it. Very interesting man." Eurus explained.

She pulled up a folder with different videos. All of them displaying a man with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. His eyes looked different. His eyes looked dark, evil, and criminal. Lily understood why he was a maker of crime, his eyes displayed every single thing he did.

"I assume he is currently playing a game with Sherlock." Lily noted.

Eurus nodded her head, "No, he is dead now.  Killed himself on a roof, Sherlock is dismantling his web of lies. A shame."

Lily nodded her head. "So then we have to wait for an opportunity to make ourselves present, but hidden."

Eurus nodded her head. And spun to face Lily. "Precisely. But first, we need to clean up this place."

The girls shared a smile. A very, extremely, horrendously calm smile.

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