Chapter 28

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", beers, please." Sherlock awkwardly asked the bartender. Lily, Sherlock, and John for his Stag night had begun the quest to all the pubs located on blocks of previous cases. Lily couldn't believe Sherlock hadn't come up with anything else. But, he certainly seemed to be thrilled with his own idea.

"Pints." Lily corrected.

Sherlock nodded, "Pints."

"Go sit down, I'll bring the beers to the table." Lily smiled. Sherlock frowned at her but was compliant anyway and found his seat next to John at a three-chaired bar table located in the middle of the crowded pub.

Lily came over shortly with the pints of beer and sat them down on the table, "Three pints for the stag party of the night. Truly, with no idea why theres a point to this whatsoever, I will be having fun watching you two become wasted as the americans say."

"Who taught you that terminology?" John asked.

"Mary." Lily smiled, "Now let's drink!"

John and Lily were about to pick up there own glasses when Sherlock pulled out to graduated cylinders and began to fill them with a specific amount of beer. Lily frowned. She should have known he would make this an experiment.

"What, are we on a schedule?" John asked.

Sherlock ignored him and placed his phone on the table displaying the clock app, "You'll thank me later."

Lily frowned, "I wanted to enjoy a drink."

"You can do that with Mary, Love. Now, let's drink." Sherlock smiled sarcastically.

Bar, after bar, after bar, after bar.

Then another bar, and another bar. Until the three were stumbling over each other. John a tiny but more sober then both Lily and Sherlock who were giggling and messing with each other as if they were children again. As if Sherlock could remember who Lily actually was.

"How does, how does one know if they are wasted." Lily mumbled over a drunken haze.

Sherlock smiled lightly, "If they are stumbling over heels like the are beginning to learn how to walk."

Lily laughed loudly and threw her head back. Sherlock watched her in adoration.

"We should probably-oh!" Lily stumbled down bringing Sherlock with her.

She had braced herself against the wall under a street lamp crouched with Sherlock over her who had caught himself with his arms above her on either side of her head. In any other circumstances, they looked like a vulgar couple who couldn't make it home.

Sherlock balanced himself above her on the ground, "Lily, you made us fall."

"I made us tumble." Lily replied with a groan.

Sherlock sighed. He had been looming over her against the wall, she was crouched and he was just slightly above her. His breath fanning her face and his curls rugged and tangly ticking her forehead.

Sherlock's eyes caught her green ones. He wondered if she would ever know what her eyes looked like. She avoided mirrors. She always had. He wondered why. In all the months of her living there she had avoided every single mirror and somehow looked beautiful every single day.

"Sherlock you are so beautiful in this light. Do you know that?" Lily whispered.

Her tangled red and golden hair in the street lamp damp from the wet walls, falling over her face just slightly. Her eyes peering up from her eyelashes. She looked heavenly to Sherlock. Like an angel.

"We are intoxicated, Lily, you do not mean what you say at this moment in time." Sherlock replied.

"Exactly," Lily cried, "So we mean everything we say because we are intoxicated. And, I think you are so very beautiful in this light?"

Sherlock took a deep and rugged breath at her words.

"I think you are the most beautiful and earnest person I have ever met. I love you Lily, and I would never admit that to you as a sober man." Sherlock sighed.

Lily nodded, "I know. Just like I would never tell you, that I have loved you since the east wind."

Sherlock couldn't register anything, he knew he would regret it, "You love me?"

"Yes." Lily replied.

Sherlock felt his heart pound in his chest. What he would give to be sober to remember this, what he would give to kiss her and be able to remember it. What he would give to limit the pints just enough to be able to remember her in this light how,

"You look so beautiful in this light, Lily Remmerison." Sherlock mumbled.

Lily nodded, "You have an international reputation, did you know?"

Sherlock scanned his vaguely for information but it was all Lily, it was all Lily and-

Lily and what? Lily and the white rose. His white rose, from his childhood, that didn't make any sense. Wait, international reputation, he knew he had one of those.

"Yes. John. Wait, John...John?" Sherlock stood up, and turned around to where John was sitting against the lamp post almost in a sleeping state, "John, I have an international reputation."

John looked up briefly before nodding.

Sherlock nodded back, "Do you have an international reputation?"

"No, dummy.." Lily sighs, "John dosen't have an international reputation."

Sherlock dosen't acknowledge this though and continues to rifle through his drunken mind. International reputation...for what? He stumbles in a drunken circle, "Sss...Crime...something or the other."

Then Lily heard a door open, and her fears began to sink in. Drunk, drinking, Eurus. Oh Eurus, her bestfriend. She missed her bestfriend. In the shadows, there is Eurus. No, Eurus was at Sherrinford.

Sherrinford, they were going to take her back, no. She didn't want to go back. She didn't like Sherrinford and the bright lights. And the white room, and clothes, and bed, and the bland walls she had to paint. No windows, the green door behind the glass that lead down the long stone hallway.

Lily, wake up.

Yellowbeard. Redbeard. The well. The orphanage.

Lily, wake up.

Sherlock didn't remember her because of an accident, it wasn't our fault. It was the east wind.

Lily, wake up!

"Lily. Goodness, you've been out for a millena, we have a client." Sherlock rasped.

Lily let her eyes open to the living room of 221B Baker Street, how she got there, she dosen't know.

A woman was standing in the doorframe, when she got to the doorframe, Lily didn't know.

"Which one of you is Sherlock Holmes?" The woman asked.

John whistled with a point at Sherlock who was smiling lazily from Lily's lap. She brought her hand up to point down to the smiling, drunken man before her, "This man, would be your target of interest." 

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