Chapter 14

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After Lily had finally calmed down her raging emotions, she unpacked all of her bags full of both clothes and shoes.

She looked around her room. It was truly her room. Her closet was full now and her bed looked slept in. The room was truly lived in as the walls were painted over by her set of paints on her desk. The only thing untouched was the door. But she thought about painting the bare brown door the shade of green from Sherrinford.

The same green door with the gold plate inscribed with her name on it across from Eurus's.

She almost missed the island thinking about it. She would never go back to be locked up again. But, that was where she had grown up in a sense. The same fifteen year old Lily with Eurus walking through those halls.

She didn't know if she remembered the same Lily from her memories. Yes, she was the same girl but going to a high security asylum changes a person.

Lily sighed.

Walking back out of her room she saw Sherlock pacing the room. She decided to sit back at the door frame as he talked to John, it was time they got along.

 "It vanishes between St. James Park and Westminster. Lord Moran vanishes. You're kidnapped and nearly burned to death at a fireworks par..." Sherlock trails off in his head. "What's the date, John - today's date?"

"Hmm. November god." John realizes.

Sherlock turns back to the board of pictures and string. Lily slowly walks into the room not drawing the attention of either men and takes a seat on the couch.

"Lord Moran - he's a peer of the realm. Normally he'd sit in the House. Tonight there's an all-night sitting to vote on the new anti-terrorism Bill." His eyes catch Lily, he smiles, "But he won't be there. Not tonight. Not the fifth of November."

Lily smiles, "Remember, remember. Gunpowder, treason, and plot."

John finally notices her, however she is locked in a staring between Sherlock and herself.

Sherlock gazes down at her, did she always have such prominent golden hair with brown. Or her brown eyes with specks of gold in them. Her face was the perfect round shape but her eyes were slightly disproportionate. Her nose came out in a soft button shape and her lips were full but not big.

But that's not what was catching Sherlock's eye. There was a feeling. And something poking at his mind, white roses. Why was a distant childhood memory coming forward when he looked at her.

Why was she poking a feeling he had only felt once more with someone he forgot. Wait - who did he forget? Why did he feel affection towards her? It wasn't the friendly affection he felt towards John.

He shook his head, another memory.

"I love you. I will always love you." Sherlock said.

"Sherlock, love is a chemical defect found on the losing side." The person said giggling, their eyes were light.

"Then I assume I am on the losing side." Sherlock whispered.

Who was that?

He shook his head, he would revisit it later. 


Sherlock had pulled up a skype with Howard. Lily and John had started searching through old maps off the train routes trying to find a connection.

"There's nothing down here, Mr. Holmes, I told you. No sidings, no ghost stations."

Sherlock turns the laptop towards Lily and John, "There has to be. Check again."

Lily watches as Howard disappears off the screen, John begins to flip through a book. Lily peers over at a page of Johns book and put her finger down on it,

"Look-" She stopped him, "this whole area is a big mess of old and new stuff. Charing Cross is made up of bits of older stations like Trafalgar Square, Strand.."

But Sherlock dismissed that thought, "No, It's none of those. We've accounted for those."


"Lily, you don't know half of British social customs. You won't know anything about this." Sherlock rebutted.

Lily scoffed and leaned back into the couch, "Rude."

Sherlock chuckles slowly before leaning over a map, "St. Margaret's Street, Bridge Street, Sumatra Road, Parliament Street..."

"Hang on." Howard comes back into the camera, "There is something. I knew it rang a bell." He started to mutter to himself and Lily came around to Sherlock's side to watch as Howard started to dig through his room.

"There was a station down there." Lily realizes.

"What, why isn't it on the map then?" John asks.

Howard comes back to the screen, "The built platforms, Even the staircases, but it all got tied up in legal disputes, So they never built the station on the surface."

Lily's eyes widen, "Sherlock, isn't that right underneath-"

"The Palace of Westminster, yes, Lily, it is." Sherlock nods.

"And so what's down there?" John asks, "A bomb?"

Sherlock and Lily begin to rush around for their jackets, Lily slips back on her red heels and looks at John with an urgent nod.



"Sherlock I know there is a bomb, but do you know how to diffuse one?" Lily asked as they walked in a hurried pace.

Sherlock smirked, "Of course, but I need John to forgive me." 

"Forgive you?" 

"For leaving," Sherlock mumbled. "He thought I was dead for two years, I guess death leaves a bigger influence then previously thought."

Lily laughed a bit, "Oh how wonderful, Sherlock messed up. So you use a bomb to beg for forgiveness?" 

"Well when you say it like that it makes it sound desperate." 

"Because it is desperate." Lily sighed, "But whatever, i'll play the part you so desperately want me to play."

Sherlock smiled, "Thank you, Lily."

"Your welcome."

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