Chapter 19

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"Lily, we have to go!" Sherlock yelled from the living room.

Sherlock was dressed in a traditional suit for his best friend's wedding. However, as much as his nerves were absolutely killing him. The aggravation of Lily taking so long was angering him much more.

"Sherlock, you don't understand the time it takes to get into such a dress. This is why I prefer shorter dresses." Lily responded.

She walked out of her bedroom door turning to the living room. Her gaze was focused on her step, but when she looked up she saw a look from Sherlock she hadn't seen in a long time.

 It was a look of adoration. Sherlock didn't know where it was coming from, the protruding bubbly feeling in his chest when he looked down at Lily in her lilac dress. It hugged her torso and let off at the waist line. Her hair was curled around her back and pinned to keep the hair out of her face.

What really drew Sherlock's attention was Lily's makeup. The subtle blush on her cheeks highlighted her whole presence. She didn't do anything to make herself more beautiful, but Lily didn't need it.

Sherlock paid attention to the hammering in his chest. It felt so secure, he wanted it. He had no idea what he was feeling, but he knew he wanted to indulge in it. But Sherlock had no idea how to do that. Lily had captured an attention in him that he didn't know he had, he reminded her of someone he had lost many years ago.

He shook his head, he knew where his lost love had left him. Lily would be no different, even though he would want nothing more than to tell him and listen to the little reassurances Lily was sure to give, it wouldn't do.

Lily felt the same however, looking up at Sherlock she was reminded of the school dance that Sherlock had escorted her to when they were younger. She had worn a deep blue dress that she had personally saved up for. It was a memory she would forever remember.

 "Don't peek until I'm behind you, Sherlock, it will ruin it otherwise." Lily giggled as her heels clicked behind a younger Sherlock.

"Lily, I'm sure you look-"

"Okay turn!"

Sherlock turned and gasped, "Lovely."

Lily laughed, "Sherlock don't gape, flies will get into your mouth."

"I can't help it, Lily-"

"You look lovely." Sherlock whispered in the present time.

 A tension took over the room, it was a new feeling that hadn't graced they're interactions in a long time.

But, across from Lily, Sherlock was replaying the same memory. But he couldn't remember who had stood in front of him that stood so beautifully in that deep blue dress. He knew it was the person he loved, but he couldn't remember who she was.

 "Are you ready?" Lily asked.

Sherlock nodded his head holding out his arm for Lily to take, "Yes."


Lily listens as the bells ring in the church. She watched as John Watson and Mary walked down the aisle as one. It was a sweet wedding, it was intimate. And now as they walked down the aisle Lily shook nervously. Mary in the short time of knowing her wanted Lily to give a speech.

She had expressed to Lily that she had grown to love her as if she was her daughter, and when Lily smiled in watery tears and let a laugh escape her lips she had been so overjoyed to accept the job. But, now it seemed a much more tedious job then she was first expecting.

However, those nerves would come later. Right now Lily had to endure the pain of walking with one of the groomsmen who decided that Lily would be his choice of interest for the night.

"You looked gorgeous up there." The groomsman whispered as he took Lily down the aisle after the ceremony was over.

"Mhm." Lily mumbled as she put on a smile for the people in the pews.

The groomsman smiled at the camera before leading Lily off to the side for pictures, "Are you seeing anyone?"

Lily frowned as she looked around for Sherlock. She could not deal with this alone, it was the worst of all nightmares Lily had feared, a domestic relentlessly flirting. But the painful part, was that he was no good at it, he was pathetic.

 "Lily!" Mary yelled out from the steps, "Come! I want a picture with you!"

Lily made no time in getting over to Mary at her call, she hastily wrapped her arm around Mary and smiled at the camera.

"You have no idea how much pain you saved me from." Lily whispered.

Mary chuckled, "Trust me, I know Mikey isn't the one for you. I see how you look at Sherlock."

Lily turned to her with wide eyes, but covered it with a smile as the camera snapped another shot.

"You know?"

"Of course I know dear, mothers intuition."

 She then jumped as she felt a body come to her side. She looked up at the dark curls of Sherlock's hair, then as her eyes moved down to his icey blue ones staring down at her.

"Calm down, it's just a photograph." Sherlock whispered, wrapping an arm around Lily's waist.

Lily took a breath before wrapping her arm around Sherlock and smiling at the camera.

The camera paused for a moment and Lily stood there confused as the cameraman was pointing at her and waving to the side.

"Sherlock, what-"

"Just the bride and groom please." The cameraman said.

Lily nodded as she dragged Sherlock off.

"Lily, why did you drag me off?" Sherlock muttered as he finally came to stop by her side.

Lily scoffed and pointed over the married couple taking photos. "Are you truly oblivious or do you not see-"

"The famous Mr. Holmes! I'm very pleased to meet you. But no sex, okay?" A woman's voice interrupted.

 Lily turned her head fast to see a taller girl standing in front of her. Brown hair, brown eyes, a goody-two shoes face and an empty apartment to walk back to. Clearly she was looking for a good time tonight after the wedding.

"Sorry?" Sherlock asked, looking down at the woman.

The woman smiled, "You don't have to look so scared. I'm only messing. Bridesmaid, best's a bit traditional."

Lily frowned, "But not obligatory or a tradition that should be adhered to."

The woman looked over at her, "Oh, sorry, and you are?"

"Lily Remmerison, and by the way, if you're looking for someone, that man over there in the blue is your best bet. Recently divorced doctor with a ginger cat. A barn conversion. Oh, and a history of erectile dysfunction." Lily paused for a moment studying the man, "Reviewing that information, possibly not your best bet."

The woman smiled at her before taking her arm and smirking at Sherlock, "Well. I'm so glad you decided to bring your girlfriend Mister Holmes, she will be of great use to me. I'm Janine by the way."

Lily held back ten different insults as Janine took her throughout the wedding. Eurus would have thrown up. Lily smiled, oh she missed Eurus. But, now she is comfortable here. Even if there were people like Janine who she did not like.

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