Chapter 33

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Lily finally registered what was happening around her as the glass shattered at her feet. Sherlock now standing in front of her, the room silent.

"Oh," She stalled, "Sorry, I-"

Sherlock looked at her with concern grasping her shaking hands, "Lily?"

She looked at him with glazed-over eyes. Her breathing stilled and she had to shake her head before refocusing on Sherlock's eyes. Shaking her head lightly she motioned for another glass of champagne that was brought to her within in an instant, her voice lowered, "Sherlock, he is here."

Sherlock only stared at her confused before his own light clicked on, "Oh."

"Oh, indeed."

Lily watched as Sherlock whipped around back to the crowd, the power of the room in his hands. She smiled at Mary and John who both looked at her with concerned eyes.

Her attention turned back to the man in front of the crowd, "Rasing glasses and standing up. Very good. Thank you."

Sherlock's own head was speaking to him at this point. Right now it was Mycroft, "Don't lose it." He spoke.

The detective's eyes whirled before he brought his hands up and lowered them into a seating motion, "And down again."

Lily watched the confusion taking over the room, her lips touched to glass of her new champagne. She didn't like champagne that much. Her eyes bounced around the room though, who was the Mayfly man?


Her head snapped back to reality to where Sherlock was looking at her, he motioned to his side. She quickly set down her glass of champagne and came next to him.

"Would you like to lead?" Sherlock asked.

Her eyes sparkled, "Hello again! People say not to milk a good speech - why? I don't know, I'll figure it out later though. For now, let's call this part of the speech Phase Two."

Her heels clicked down the aisle of tables as her eyes reached each and every guest, "Phase Two, it's more action-based, to get our blood moving for the lovely party afterward. Have I ever told you all how domestic you are? Boring, well - not boring, but almost most pathetically boring."

Sherlock's voice came behind her from the top of the room, "Who'd go to a wedding? That's the question. Who would bother to go to any lengths to get themselves to a wedding?"

"That's a good question, Sherlock." Lily's eyes briefly met his. He gave her a small smile, his eyes shining slightly.

But, Lily's head snapped at her. She clapped her hands drawing attention to herself and began muttering, "Weddings are great! Domestic - but great! Love, love, love, love, weddings. And, it's my practical parent's wedding too, how lovely."

"And, John's great too," Sherlock carried on, his eyes running through every deduction that fronted itself in his mind, "Haven't said that enough. Barely scratched the surface. I could on all night about the depth and complexity of his...jumpers..."

Lily continued, "And Mary...she can tell you everything you want to hear and more...great mother she is...".

Her head spun, there were so many people. She could hear Eurus in her mind telling her to stop thinking and look. Stop thinking and look. Lily felt the pieces click into place, stopped thinking, and looked.

"The east wind whispers when you need it to, but only in the most chaotic of moments," Eurus told Lily as they walked through the woods.

Lily frowned, "The east wind would be welcomed every day then."

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