Chapter 4

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Over a month Eurus had perfectly instilled her power throughout the complex. The governor did what Eurus wanted, and even Lily got to assume power in some places. Lily was in charge of one room in particular. The Meeting Room.

Lily was very good at talking, more so than Eurus. And Lily was convincing. So Lily was in charge of overseeing that Eurus and her had power over everyone. And it was fun, because in the back of her mind, she was that much closer to Sherlock.

"So, how are you Mr. Clemson?" Lily asked calmly.

"Very good, Mrs. Remmerison." He replied curtly.

Lily nodded her head, "And why exactly have you notified Mycroft that a mandatory inspection take place here?"

Lily picked up a slip of paper and slid it over the table. "It says here in this email that things are not being run correctly, which is true, but why would you feel the need to send it?"


"Because you want to give your wife a reason to stay with you. Such a shame she's having an affair with your neighbor. But you found out, so you want a pay raise so she stays with you." Lily laughed, "Eurus will fix her, you know."

Mr. Clemson shook visibly and swallowed a gulp, "Fix her?"

"Well you don't want her to cheat anymore do you? Or are you just okay letting her run around with the neighbor?" Lily frowned.

"How would you-"

"Eurus." Lily smiled and picked up the paper of the email and brought it back over. Looking over the words printed on the page.

Mr. Holmes,

It has come to the attention that Sherrinford is not being run to your satisfaction. It would do some good to have a check that everything is in good order. I fear some may be doing things out of instructions.

James Clemson

"Eurus would fix her right up. But she would need to fix you up too now wouldn't she, because as your wife is cheating on you," She took a breath, "You're cheating as well. With the woman who runs your local bakery, yes? Lily asked.

Mr.Clemson trembled with tears in his eyes. "I-I didn't mean to...". He spluttered his words, "She just looked so pretty..."

Lily put a mock face of sympathy towards the man. "Yes, because cheating is all the right way to solve this."

She stood and opened the door of the meeting room, looking at Mr. Clemson as he clumsy strode to the door, "You'll be seeing Eurus next week. Bring your wife."

Lily watched as he bounded down the hallway. It was so sad how sentimental they got over others. But she knew, in a sense, what they felt. She loved Sherlock. She was sentimental about Sherlock, and Eurus.

Lily shook her head and closed the door behind her, her heels making soft clicking noises in the hallway. She approached the elevator and clicked the call button. She waited for a moment before the little ding sounded, and when it opened Eurus stood there.

She pulled Lily in the elevator and clicked a button on the bottom.

"Mycroft is coming. We must go back to the cells, I had the glass installed again." Eurus said calmly.

"No." Lily said, "I'm not going-"

"Lily you must. If you want to see Sherlock, you must go back." Eurus interrupted. She was stern. Lily knew why, she knew she had to go back, but the windows. Being able to see outside, Lily never wanted to go back to the white room.

The elevator descended for a few minutes before it opened.

Lily and Eurus walked in a sober tone. The gray, dark, cold hallway. Lily remembered the first time she walked through here. The difference being, no Mycroft behind them, and the soft click of Lily's heel.

The two girls came down to the end where two doors stood. Both with gold inscribed names on them making them distinctly for the girls. Lily walked up to the handle without looking at the name. She opened the door and inside was the same white room.

Her paintings were still there. Her bear was still there. Everything was still there.


Lily walked into the room following the soft click of the door behind her. The glass was open making it accessible and when she crossed the line where the barrier stood she heard the seal of glass behind her.

She was back.

She was not free.

Lily was trapped.

Lily stood there for a moment before walking to her bed and laying on it. Not under the covers, not in her night clothes, not without her heels, and not without the bear on the table.

The bear, the first time she had touched the bear. Mycroft had brought it four months ago. A gift from Sherlock he said, but she didn't understand. Sherlock forgot she existed, how could he have given her the bear?

"You have finally touched it?"

Lily sprung up from the bed and saw Mycroft standing there.

"Sherlock had it in his possession ever since you had disappeared. He said soon he would give it back to the white rose. I never understood until he talked about a faded memory of a girl. He forgot you two existed, but he said your favorite flower was a white rose." Mycroft explained.

"Yellow's nickname for me." Lily whispered. She looked down at the bear, he did forget she existed, but she hadn't been erased because only he knew her favorite flower.

"My favorite flower is a Lily, because that's your name." Sherlock said, smiling down at her. "And soon, I will buy you all the Lilies in the world."

"Oh no Sherlock, buy me a white rose. You could never be kinder." Lily replied.

The two children were walking down a path in the woods. Lily was in a green dress, Sherlock was wearing a suit. They were walking from church, although Lily never cared for it.

"Then I will buy you all-"

"All the white roses in the world." Lily thought aloud.


"Nothing, Mycroft. Is that all then?" She asked.

He stood there for a moment before sighing. "I have a job for you."

Lily raised her eyebrow.

"Two years ago Sherlock was presumed dead. But, it was a fake death. Sherlock needed to get off the grid because he was dismantling a man named Jim Moriarty's web. Now, he is coming back, but he needs a face with him for his return. I have chosen you."

Lily felt her hands shake in anticipation. This is what she needed. A chance to get off. She would be leaving, and she would see Sherlock. Lily would see his eyes again.

"Yes. Yes okay, when do we leave?" Lily asked.

"Now." Mycroft said, walking towards the door. "I give you five minutes to pack your belongings. Your time starts now-" The door shut behind him.

Lily rushed over to her desk taking out a piece of paper and a pen.


I have left Sherrinford to go to Sherlock. I will continue the plan now as I will be directly with him. I will come back for you. Our flight is descending. Be safe.


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