Chapter 2

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"Lily, I have a plan." Eurus said immediately.

Lily looked at Eurus again, walking over to her bed and taking a seat. "A plan?"

"A plan to get out of here, Lily, don't be daft." Eurus said. "The guards, they want to do an evaluation on us. But we are going to use it to get out. To be free. All we have to do is fix them."

Lily nodded her head. She understood. Eurus wanted to take control, and Eurus was good at that. Eurus used to make the teachers allow them to play. Lily smiled thinking about it.

Lily used to do it too. She used to pressure people. Point and poke at sensitive topics, it was all fun and games. It was just experimentation. Everything was experimentation.

"Okay. When does it start?" Lily asked. Eurus smiled and walked to the desk picking up Lily's paint set.


Lily nodded her head. She had the full day with Eurus. She had many questions. She needed many answers. Most of the questions are for Sherlock, when he comes to see her. Lily hoped Sherlock would come see her. But Lily knew better.

"What is your cell like?" Lily asked.

 "The same." Eurus sighed. She put the set of paints down and sat on the floor. "My cell, is white and dull, and beautiful, and modern, but depressing, and-"

"Boring." The girls finished together.

Lily stood and sat in front of her. "Yes I know. That's why I asked Mycroft to get me paint. To make the room more homely." Lily sighed.


"I know, Euro, home is a concept of the mind that chooses to attach itself to one's current residence. But a girl may dream and try to understand when she is locked here." Lily frowned.

Euro looked at her for a moment before nodding her head. "Yes, I suppose we must make the best of what we have down here. If you look at it from a goldfish, this is our home." Eurus said.

 The two girls stared in silence before Eurus grabbed Lily's hand, "Sherlock has forgotten about us, I am sure." She said, staring over to a white rose outlined on the wall. "Do you still love him?"

"I always did, we were fifteen when we had been brought here. I still remember his eyes." Lily nodded looking over to a patch on the wall that was covered in blue. It was Sherlock and Eurus' shared eye color.

"A blue like berries." Lily whispered.

"And yet, you called him Yellow." Eurus chuckled.

Lily turned quickly to her friend with a glare. "Yes. Because he was Yellowbeard, it made sense." She paused for a moment. "What was your favorite childhood memory?"

"Lily, memories are fiction. Not real, they're stories stored so we look back on what is no more." Eurus frowned. But with the look on Lily's face, she sighed.

The two girls had been trapped here for so long that at some point both of them had wondered what it would have been like to be normal. Not look at everything or understand even the most complex of equations. Not understand the simplicity that everything was stupid. That this world was the same.

"Burning the house." Eurus whispered. "My favorite was burning the house."

 Lily looked up with a smile. "Yes, you did quite enjoy that, not that I ever understood since that was your place of residence."

The two girls laughed.

"Would you like to paint?" Lily asked.

Eurus nodded her head. "Sure."

So they painted. They made pictures, then made roses on top of roses. They conspired their plan. Oh, their plan. Lily liked the plan. The plan to get out, the plan that regarded experimenting. Experimenting with Sherlock.

Lily was hesitant to experiment with Sherlock after what happened to the boy, but Eurus said Lily wouldn't be experimenting. Lily would be with Sherlock.

"I'm going to apply context, emotional connection, and they're going to solve it. At the end Sherlock will see you again. I know Sherlock still loves you, if he doesn't then he is repressing feelings and that is not healthy." Eurus had said.

That convinced Lily, being able to see Sherlock. She was so excited.

She was waiting for the doctors. She was waiting for tomorrow. So much so that she fell asleep. But when she woke up Eurus was gone, her cell was empty. She was alone again.

So Lily lied in bed, and waited. Waited for the door to open. Waited for the doctor to come. Even thought that maybe Eurus would come and take her away from this never ending cycle of isolation.

Then the days turned to weeks turned into months. Lily was patient. If anything, Eurus was working her way through the system and was restructuring Sherrinford.

Then they came. And it wasn't the guard, it was Eurus. 

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