Chapter 15

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"So its a bomb, then? A Tube carriage carrying a bomb." John spoke.

Sherlock nodded, "Must be."


John reached into his pocket pulling out his phone.

"What are you doing, John?" Lily asked, turning to him, "I don't think calling the police is necessary."

Sherlock whipped his head around, "What? No!"

John scoffed, "Sherlock this isn't a game. They need to evacuate Parliament."

Sherlock scoffed as he pulled out a crowbar striking a locked gate.

Lily turned to John, "They'll get in the way. They always do. This is cleaner, more efficient."

"And illegal." John muttered.

Lily nodded her head turning to follow Sherlock, "A bit."

The trio enters and Sherlock closes the gate behind them. He brings out a flashlight and begins to walk down in front of them. Lily looked around, it was dark.

They walk down into the tunnel and through many turns. Down some steep ladders which Lily struggled through but eventually they make it to the platform. Lily looks around, the train isn't there however.

"I don't understand." Sherlock sighs.

John laughs, "Well, that's a first!"

Lily shakes her head though, "There's nowhere else it could be though."

Lily looks around the area before sighing and walking over dragging Sherlock to where the tracks would be located. Bracing herself in his arm she jumps down to the tracks.

"Should you be doing this in heels?" Sherlock asks, watching as she dusts herself off and begins to walk down the tracks.

"No! But I'm doing it anyway!" She calls.

Sherlock sighs. He waves his hand to John and jumps down to abandoned tracks himself walking after Lily who makes her way down the dark corridor.

"What?" John asks jumping down, "Hang on. Sherlock?"


John rushes down to Sherlock's side, "That's...isn't it live?"

"Perfectly safe as long as we avoid touching the rails." Sherlock nods.

"'Course, yea! Avoid the rails. Great!" John shakes his head and looks down into the dark to see the brief outline of Lily, "Does she know that?"

"Can you hear heels clicking?" Sherlock asks.


"Then Lily is safe as well."

After a few minutes of silence Lily finally speaks, "This way!"

"You sure?" John asks.

"Sure." Lily replies.

A short distance up the lights of a train come into view. Lily approaches the car as Sherlock and John finally join her side. She looks up at the carriage. So this is what a tube really looked like, it was a funny looking box. But she assumed it was efficient enough.

John kneels to look at the underside of the car, Sherlock walks around the sides, and Lily opens the door and climbs in.

Shortly the boys accepting the outside climb into the tube as well. They watch as Lily looks at the tube for a minute before moving themselves to do a closer inspection.

"It's empty. There's nothing." John frowns.

"Isn't there?" Lily replies, holding softly onto an entwined pair of red and black wires. Lily follows the wires before looking at the seat and removing the cushion.

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