Chapter 10

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Lily was now reading a book on the couch in 221 B, she found it quite interesting as well. She didn't know the title of the book, she had forgotten it by chapter three. But it was interesting in the fact that it was about two childhood lovers.

She smiled to herself, Quite the familiar situation.

She looked over the pages and the words created a world in her own mind. It was a silly book but the beauty of the relationship displayed within it was quite amusing an romantic at the same time. It was confusing however, she didn't understand it.

The sentiment behind it, useless. But it certainly made for an interesting book.

"How long is this concert Anthony? Three hours?" Delilah mumbled. He looked down at her, "Four."

Delilah groaned. "You love the concerts, do you not, love?" Anthony asked, drawing a hand around her waist. Delilah nodded her head but sighed anyway.

"They are beautiful, but it is really inefficient to wear such clothes to an event like this. I would much prefer a simple dress." Delilah explained."

Lily laughed at this. It was funny. The relationship was funny, how they're minds we're so hardwired to know what their loved one preferred. It reminded her of Sherlock, she knew him so well.

Her eyes drifted up to the man at the thought of him. He was staring at his board with the various pictures of his suspects on them when he began to approach it with a stern look on one of the photos.

Lily dropped her book and sat up when Mrs. Hudson entered the room, then Lily slunk down into the chair. She really did not like this woman.

"Sherlock." Mrs. Hudson said, coming into the room. 


"Talk to John." She said.

Lily watched as Sherlock sighed, "I tried talking to him. He made his position quite clear."

"What did he say?" Lily asked, "Did he say, 'F-" But with Sherlock's glare she quickly shut up with a teasing grin on her face.

"Ooh dear." Mrs. Hudson sighed. She turned and left for the door. Lily sat back up again at her exit from the flat.

Lily looked from the door to where Sherlock stands. His eyes were already locked on her, "Would you like to solve crimes?"

"Of course." 


Lily took her place in the red chair across from Sherlock's. Sherlock didn't want her sitting there, but against his wishes and the refusal of Lily sitting in the uncomfortable dining chair, she took a seat there anyway.

"...monkey glands." Sherlock mumbled. A client was in the flat. And both Sherlock and Lily were lost in thought thinking of possible solutions to the case at hand.

"Enough about Professor Presbury." Lily frowned, "Tell us more about your case, Mr. Harcourt."

Mr. Harcourt smiled nervously at the two. But, he nodded and began his story.

"Well, absolutely no one should have been able to empty that bank account other than myself and Helen." He began.

Lily watched as Sherlock began to look more closely at the details on Mr. Harcourt's figure. She quickly maintained eye contact with Mr. Harcourt again and gave him a fake smile, but he couldn't tell it was fake.

"Why didn't you assume it was your wife?" Lily asked.

"Because I've always had total faith in her." Mr. Harcourt answered.

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