"I....I am as well. I'm very happy...." Regan trailed off, unsure of what was she supposed to say and do.

"I think the meeting is done. Artemis, come with me and learn the deal," Sirius interrupted, his tone commanding.

Artemis left Regan's hands and followed Sirius, curious to know what was he offering.

He closed the doors of Regan's chamber using his usual magic and led Artemis to a nearby guest room.

Artemis looked at him, a mix of anger and uncertainty in her chocolate eyes.

"The deal is, either take your sister away, vanish, disappear and never ever show yourselves again, or you let her here and continue your life." He stoically said, his gaze unwavering and his voice calmer in contrast to his words.

"Did you hear me, Artemis? I'm giving you the choices, take Regan and disappear. Do not ever show your faces in my dominions again. I don't care where you go, go as far as the magic doesn't reach. If you're not willing to do that, you can let her here."

Artemis swallowed hard, knowing that what he was requesting was a hard thing to do.

"And where am I supposed to go?" She asked, frustrated.

"I don't care about that. Go to the nowhere. Just stay as far as you both can from me and don't ever think about staying in the North. You get it?" He repeated, his expression hard and menacing.

Artemis nodded reluctantly, having no idea how she could stay somewhere else but in the North.

"Regan is also stubborn and vengeful. You have to convince her to never ever think of getting in my way again. Never ever think of fighting with me. That's your catch. It's your choice to decide," he added.

"You have told Regan about what you've done?"

"Yes, I did. She deserved to know."

"Then, how do you think this'll end so easily? You didn't have to tell her in the first place!" Artemis retorted.

"I don't need permission for what I do. Now, if you're the responsible and caring sister you pretend to be, you'll find a way," Sirius said, despite deep down he knew that this didn't rely a bit on Artemis.

Artemis looked at him, her eyes filled with a lingering uncertainty, "Why can't you just let it go? Leave us alone. I don't have to disappear just because you want to kill Regan and me."

"I'm already letting it go. If you disappear and if none of you interferes with me again, I won't have any problem with each of you."

"I'm.... I'm married, I can't just do this." Artemis trailed off, her voice unsure.

"Does it look like I care? Am I forcing you? No," He coldly said, his gaze distant, "But if you plan to take her, you must not go to the North," he warned again.

Artemis took a deep breath, "Let's say I agree. How would you know we disappeared and aren't planning against you?"

With a sly smirk, Sirius responded, "I'd know immediately if you betray or plan against me. So, don't worry. I'd know each one of your moves."

Torn between her thoughts, Artemis knew that her husband wasn't going to like this but still, she couldn't bring herself to leave Regan here.

"Alright. I accept. We'll disappear and never ever cross you again," she agreed, trying to steady your voice.

"Good choice. But make sure to get Regan want the same thing," he responded, his voice cold but filled with a hint of amusement. "And, don't you ever dare reveal Regan's identity to anyone. Not even your close maids or anyone else. Understood?" He warned.

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