"Even for a short while, I'd still choose a moment of happiness despite the pain it will bring in the end."

Margo sighed and lightly stroked Sophia's hair. "I know what my purpose is..."

Sophia looked up while leaning on her shoulder.

"I'm going to love you as long as I live," Margo declared in a meaningful way as she gazed at the clouds.

"Are you scared to die, Margo?" Sophia asked, her question emerging out of the silence.

"No, what about you?" Margo replied, her voice tinged with huskiness; they both stared at the calm river.

"No. If I die, don't be sad." Sophia closed her eyes, letting the autumn breeze caress her face.

"Just thinking about you being gone...it's already killing me inside." Margo took a deep breath, holding Sophia tightly.

Sophia kissed her cheek. "Don't be lonely. We'll meet again. When that time comes, I'll ask you out for a cup of coffee."

Margo couldn't help but be amused. "You're unbelievable," she said, shaking her head softly as laughter escaped her lips.

"I will love you, again and again, Margo." Sophia chuckled and kissed her forehead.

Margo held her hand and whispered back, "I'll wait for you, Sophia."

The gentle wind stirred around them, prompting the pigeons to take flight from the ground. The mesmerizing sunlight reflected off the river, and the rustling leaves serenaded the air, raining red, green, and yellow leaves around them.


The bustling sound of horns, people chattering, and light footsteps hitting the pavement filled the air. Tall buildings, crowds, and billboard signs dominated Margo's view in Times Square, one of New York's busiest streets. Despite the sunset about to peek from behind the tall buildings, the people never paused to admire the mesmerizing sight.

Holding hands, Sophia halted when a particular scent caught her attention. "Wait," she said, prompting Margo to glance at her.

"What is it?" Margo inquired.

Sophia smiled. "Can we buy some coffee? I really want some hot coffee because it's cold," she said, hugging herself and rubbing her hands for warmth.

They stopped near a boutique and sat on a bench.

"Okay...where is it?"

"It's across the street." Sophia pointed towards the coffee shop.

"Let's go?" Margo was ready to stand, but Sophia restrained her by the hand.

"Wait here; I'll go. It won't take long." Sophia adjusted her scarf, her breath visible in the cold air.

"I'll go with you," Margo insisted.

"Just wait for me here. I'll get your coffee," Sophia said, touching Margo's cheek. "I'll buy us some coffee before we cross the street," she also gestured towards the traffic light near their seat. "Just wait for me here...okay?"

Margo's expression showed disappointment. "It's crowded... I'll just go with you."

Sophia shook her head and laughed. "You're treating me like a child. Let me buy you coffee this time." She affectionately pinched Margo's cheeks. "Wait for me."

Her plea left Margo sighing in resignation. "Fine...but my eyes will be on you the whole time."

Sophia's eyes sparkled with joy, and she smiled, her dimples deepening. "Wait for me; I'll be back with some hot coffee."

English Version: Sands & Sparrow Where stories live. Discover now