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A light breeze swept across the city, sending Aveline's hair into wild disarray. She reached up to tuck a strand behind her ear and continued her walk through the crowded street. The wind also played with her green dress, causing it to ripple. Looking up at the sky, she smiled as a helicopter momentarily blocked the sunlight.

Aveline strode along, noting that a few of her neighbors were also walking behind her. The crowd was a mix of familiar faces: colleagues, close friends, and acquaintances. Suddenly, snow began to fall, prompting her to pause and stretch out her palm to catch a snowflake. Despite the cold touch, the atmosphere remained warm. Abruptly, cherry blossoms started to drift down from tall buildings. Along the way, she encountered Ophelia Veron, along with Sasha and Violet. She greeted them with a smile, which they returned with friendly grins.

Aveline halted at the pedestrian lane, standing alone as she waited for the traffic light to turn green. Then, a strange sound drew her attention. Her smile broadened upon seeing Tunying in a band uniform, joyfully beating a drum. The parade featured costumes as colorful as spring in full bloom, with bright yellows, oranges, reds, and greens. Sequins glittered under the brilliant afternoon sun, accompanied by feathers of every hue. Mimes wove through the crowd, blowing bubbles or waving, while musicians played their violins and guitars. Flamenco dancers moved with grace, their bodies swaying in time with the music. The parade unfolded before Aveline, a lively procession that danced its way across her path.

Following the vibrant display, the parade of ballerinas took their turn. They danced with grace, extending their arms and bowing their heads before Aveline. They twirled and leaped, seeming to float through the air. Above them, colorful butterflies fluttered, joining in their dance.

The pedestrian sign flicked to green. Aveline crossed the street, the wind caressing her face as she walked towards the Diner, her steps transforming the path. Flowers bloomed in her wake; pink roses adorned the pavement, leading up to the Diner, which stood alone, bathed in the vibrant colors of surrounding sunflowers. Behind it, the sun beamed brightly, making the Diner's view resemble a painting, a landscape captured in a beautiful portrait.

Gently pushing the door, Aveline was greeted by the sound of a small bell. A strange light filled the room. Paps glanced up at her before continuing to wipe glasses behind the counter. The light inside the Diner was bright yet soothing to the eyes. As she looked around, her gaze settled on the Diner's sole customer. Margo was sitting in a corner, engrossed in her book, enveloped in a white glow.

As Aveline approached, the room's brightness dimmed, yet Margo remained illuminated. In a moment that seemed to slow time, the eternal Queen raised her eyes, a sweet smile gracing her lips as she uttered a familiar phrase, "Hello, stranger."

Her past with Margo unfolded in her dream, replaying memories of their petty disputes.

"You're annoying! Stop treating me like a child! Why do you try to control me?" Aveline vented her frustration.

"I'm not trying to control you. I'm trying to protect you. You're always making me worry," Margo replied, arms crossed, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Aveline sighed, "But why did you have to remove my classmates from school?"

"They're not good for you! I don't want to see you hurt," Margo insisted.

"How will I ever learn to stand up for myself? You're always there, making me feel weak," Aveline retorted, feeling belittled. In these petty fights, if Aveline was upset, Margo was equally agitated, revealing a rare immaturity in the immortal.

"Fine! If that's what you want! I'll leave you alone!" Margo declared, storming off from the argument.

After ten minutes...

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