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Under the dim glow of the streetlamp, Aveline greeted her potential client with a practiced exhalation and a bright smile. "Hey there! So, you've got your eyes on me?" Her hand found a resting place on the driver's shoulder, adopting a flirty posture. Though conversing with customers wasn't her forte, the absence of a pimp forced her into the role.

The driver, maintaining silence, prompted Aveline to study her reflection against the gleaming headgear. Holding up three fingers, she confidently laid out her terms, "It's three thousand pesos per hour, and if you're up for a motel," she added, flashing a sweet smile, "there's an extra charge for a blow job." Her professional tone matched the practiced gestures, which included a suggestive one indicating her additional service. Lightly touching the client's neck and tracing it with a fingertip, Aveline detected a deep sigh from the driver.

Rather than verbalizing consent, the client tapped the seat, a non-verbal agreement for Aveline to join on the bike. Twirling a strand of her hair around her finger, Aveline winked playfully. "So, ready to pay up, huh?"

The driver nodded, patting the seat once more. With a confident smile on her lips, Aveline mounted the motorbike.

After a brief journey, they arrived at the hotel, where an array of luxury cars—Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Mustangs, and BMWs—greeted them in the parking lot. Aveline paid little attention to the opulent vehicles; a sense of unease lingered. The driver had brought her to an unfamiliar city, and the surroundings felt peculiar. The area teemed with a constant flow of people, each moving in different directions. The crowd paraded down the high street, adorned with Gucci handbags and designer clothes. Sports cars dominated the road, and the absence of trees or city-planted blooms, coupled with imposing concrete monoliths in a precise grid pattern, created an overwhelming urban landscape. Sidewalk vendors and food stalls were conspicuously absent, adding to the disconcerting atmosphere that overwhelmed Aveline.

Upon reaching the elevator, the driver pressed the 'P' button, signaling their ascent to the penthouse. The client, still wearing the helmet, maintained an air of mystery. Aveline couldn't help but smirk, playfully envisioning a black power ranger in her mind. However, the fleeting amusement quickly gave way to concern as she realized the potential challenge of getting back home. Aveline resisted the idea of taking a taxi, deeming the fare too expensive for her regular budget to afford.

Meanwhile, the elevator opened, momentarily halting her distress. They both exited, and as Aveline stepped out, a wave of dizziness overcame her. The elevator had ascended to the 50th floor, where the entire penthouse unit was located. The driver swiped a card to unlock the door, gesturing with an extended hand for Aveline to enter, and she complied, driven by her urgency to return home.

Aveline's chocolate eyes sparkled with awe as she entered the living room. The interior could easily grace the cover of a high-end magazine. The couch, adorned with fine green silk, was pristine white. Aveline hesitated to sit, fearing she might wrinkle the fabric or stain it. White linen curtains hung untouched, free from the grasp of hands and the dust of neglect. The penthouse provided a mirrored view of the entire city, resembling a fishbowl perched atop the metropolis. Beautiful paintings adorned the walls, featuring the works of Monet, Picasso, and Van Gogh. The interior design reflected a blend of minimalism with a touch of European classicism. Glossy marble coated the floor, and the walls, furniture, and decor hailed from a high-end Parisian designer.

The driver entered, closed the door and the hinged clicked. Aveline turned and smiled. "Where do you like to do it? Are we going to have sex on the couch?" She pointed the couch and roamed her eyes to search for a door. "Or in your bedroom?" Aveline approached the driver and showed the colorful condoms in her hand. "Choose a color you like. There's pink, white and blue. It's all free in size." Aveline's way of saying was like, let's fuck right now and get down to business. The client ignored her offer, walked past, advanced to the minibar, and prepared a drink.

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