"Not everything can be controlled, Aveline."

"Is there something that scares you?"

"Yes," Margo lowered her gaze and buried her chin on Aveline's shoulder.

The boat glided smoothly through the reeds. The water was greener in the shadows and more orange in the light but remained distinctly green. Large boughs emerged from the trees, stretching across the murky water as if reaching out to embrace the swarming fish. The warm water, tinged green from swirling mud and algae, teemed with underwater wildlife flourishing in the shallows. Muddy soil and rotting trees encroached on the river's edge, creating slimy pools filled with debris from withered leaves, twigs, and grass. The birds' calls were like a melody to the calm river.

Aveline leaned her head against Margo. "What is it?" The wind brushed their faces, carrying the fragrance of leaves and damp earth. Margo continued to steer in silence while Aveline waited for an answer. She stopped rowing, gently placing the oars inside the boat. A breeze swept past again, softly running through Margo's hair. She sighed and hugged Aveline from behind. "Do you want to know why?" She pressed her cheek against Aveline's.

Aveline slightly turned her gaze and saw Margo's eyelashes flutter. "What scares you?" she whispered, gently caressing the immortal's face.

The fading sunset glowered before them.

"I'm scared of losing you," Margo confessed.


"I fear the thought of you leaving me," she softly uttered, then closed her eyes and tightened her embrace.

"I will never leave you, Margo."

"I know. But I'm not ready, Aveline. To face a life without you," she replied meaningfully. "I might have everything, but you are the one thing I can't bear to lose."

Aveline sensed the sadness in Margo's voice. She grasped Margo's hand and began to unfasten the watch. "What are you doing?" Margo asked, puzzled.

"I'm taking away your watch, obviously," Aveline replied with a shy simper, her dimples deepening.

"Why?" Margo looked at her, still puzzled.

"So that you won't remember the time when you're with me." After removing the watch, Aveline kissed Margo's cheek.

"Fair enough," Margo responded, embracing her.

"I have something for you." Aveline retrieved a package from her bag and opened a small box. Inside was a bracelet made of greenstone, adorned with a star and a feather pendant.

"Why are you giving me a gift?" Margo's eyes squinted in surprise.

"You already have everything in this world. So, I made you a bracelet," Aveline explained as she carefully fastened it on Margo's wrist, gently stroking the pendant with her fingertip.

"Why is there a feather?" Margo's curiosity piqued at the design.

"It's from my necklace," Aveline smiled warmly.

"It's a sparrow," Margo noted, a corner of her mouth quirking up; her green eyes flickered with a complex emotion, recalling the first time she met Aveline. "Why is there a star beside the sparrow?" She pointed to the glittering design near the feather.

"I like Vega, one of the brightest stars in the universe," Aveline said, her chocolate eyes glistening with joy. She leaned her head on Margo's shoulder, then bent down to dip her hand in the water, sending ripples in widening circles until they disappeared.

"Thank you for your gift. I love it," Margo said, kissing Aveline's cheek. "You no longer wear the necklace?" she inquired with concern.

"It's enough for me to stay beside you. As long as the sparrow and the star are together, I'm happy," Aveline replied, playfully swirling her hand in the water.

English Version: Sands & Sparrow Where stories live. Discover now