As the car veered onto a bumpy road, causing her head to bump against the window again, Margo reached out, encouraging Aveline to lean on her shoulder. She gently tilted Aveline's chin, their eyes meeting. "You're always careless, but we can cover your bruises," Margo said, as Aveline's heart raced under her gaze.

Margo pulled out a makeup kit from her bag and moved closer. "What are you doing?" Aveline asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Let's cover those bruises with some makeup," Margo suggested, starting to apply toner cream to Aveline's face. Each gentle touch sent waves of butterflies through Aveline's nerves. "We can obtain your birth certificate; it's not difficult."

"I don't know who my parents are; I have no memory of my past. I was trained to be a—" Aveline paused, then confessed, "I can't remember anything else." She was raised in the sex trade, the only life she knew.

Margo paused, looking intently at Aveline. "Have you forgotten your past?"

Aveline nodded.

"Do you want to remember it?"

Bewildered, Aveline shook her head in response. "I don't want to," she stated firmly, rejecting the notion of revisiting her past. The idea of uncovering the truth filled her with dread.

Margo finished concealing the bruises. Aveline lowered her gaze, then turned to look out the window. "Thank you for letting me use your makeup. All my bruises are hidden," she said, a smile forming as she saw her reflection in the window.

It seemed as if Margo's hand moved on its own, gently urging Aveline to lean closer. "You can rest on my shoulder if you'd like to sleep," Margo whispered softly.

Aveline's cheeks warmed with a blush, her face feeling like it was engulfed in summer heat. "Thank're very kind," she managed to say, her awkwardness melting away as the joy in her chocolate eyes was rekindled. Margo's simple acts of kindness had the power to dissipate all her fears, offering her a sense of tranquility she hadn't known was possible. At that moment, Aveline's heart found peace, and she discovered a sanctuary in Margo's embrace.

"Miss Sinclair, we're here," the driver announced. Instantly, Aveline's fear resurfaced, sending her into a panic. Her hands began to sweat, and her heart raced. "Can we leave?'s impossible for me to pass the test. I can't see myself studying here; it was just a wish. Let's go back...Margo, please?" Her chocolate eyes pleaded like a child's, gently tugging at Margo's dress, imploring her to reconsider. Margo's lips curled into an amused smile, finding Aveline's concern endearing.

"You'll never know unless you try. Don't be afraid. Everyone is scared at first...come on, let's go," Margo encouraged, stepping out of the car.

Left with no choice, Aveline gathered her courage and followed. A cool summer breeze greeted her, and the sun shone warmly from above. She felt as though she had stepped into a wonderland. Was this a dream or reality? She looked around in amazement, blinking a few times to ensure the scene before her was real. The university boasted regal brick buildings, lush lawns, sculptures, and fountains, with trees lining gardens that resembled carpets of grass. Students were studying, playing frisbee, or football. Aveline admired the flower beds brimming with jasmine, dahlia, and lavender, inhaling the heavenly scent. It felt like a slice of paradise in the midst of the city.

Margo, a few steps ahead, stopped and looked back, extending her arm. "Let's go," she said, smiling as she offered her hand. Aveline quickened her pace to grasp it. Like the bruises that had been concealed by the eternal queen, her fear dissipated with Margo's reassuring touch.

Inside, the lobby was filled with people, mostly new students waiting to enroll. Margo retrieved a number from the machine, handing Aveline ticket number 70 while the current number called was 29. They found vacant seats, settling in to wait their turn.

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