Vesper's face turned red with anger as she clenched her fists, wanting to punch something. Allegra, on the other hand, looked like she wanted to cry. She knew Circe was right, but it hurt to admit it. Vesper strode to Circe, her face tight with fury. "You don't know what you're talking about! I'm the most desirable girl in the realm! I will make Sirius want me, no matter what it takes!" she spat, her voice shaking with rage.

Circe rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You're so delusional. You think he sees women in that way? He doesn't care about your desirability. He cares about power. And you better collect yourself. Because if you keep throwing yourself at him like this, he's either going to banish you or throw you to the wolves. And trust me, you wouldn't want either of those things to happen. You'd beg for mercy."

"Yes, you would," Allegra joined, "you'd kiss his boots clean. And it wouldn't change anything. He'd throw you away like he does now. And you know what, Vesper? You're not desirable. I'm desirable. I'm the most beautiful girl here."

Vesper's fury turned to Allegra and she grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her closer. "You wish you were as desirable as me, you stupid blonde!" she hissed. "You think just because you think you're pretty he'll want you? Well, think again. He doesn't care about your looks. He cares about power. And I'm powerful. I'm not some useless toy like you. I will make him see that."

Allegra struggled against Vesper's grip and Circe intervened, shoving Vesper away, "Vesper, stop it! Leave her alone!"

Vesper turned on Circe, her face twisted in rage. "Shut up, Circe. You're just jealous that you're not as useless as Allegra or as powerful as me. But you know what? I'll make Sirius see that you're both idiots. I'll make him throw you and that scarface to the wolves and then he'll realize what he's missing. He'll come crawling back to me."

"Vesper, we are your sisters!" Circe yelled. "You can't throw us away just because you're crazy for Sirius or because you're freaking jealous for Regan. If you're so adamant, then go and fight with Regan, we don't fucking care anymore!"

"Yes, we don't fucking care," Allegra agreed with a sniff, still looking upset. "You can go and fight with Regan. Only if you manage to get through Sirius's guards, of course," she smirked.

Vesper glared at Allegra, but then turned on her heel and stormed away, her hair flying behind her.

Meanwhile in his chamber, Sirius waited for the news about the rebellion, he had no doubts Vlad would crush it but he still couldn't get Regan out of his mind, she really needed to pay for causing chaos in his reign.

The general finally entered his room, his expression stoic as usual.

"What happened to the rebellion, commander?"

"The rebellion is handled but they're having a grievance and request gold from you, my lord." Vlad explained.

Sirius's expression turned thoughtful, "Get the gold from my vaults, but don't give the real one to Mathias's people." He instructed.

"But, wouldn't they find out about this and start the chaos again?" Vlad asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't care." Sirius sighed. "The majority of rebellion follows it irrationally. You're going to give the real gold to the poor and in need. As for Mathias and his men, give them the fake one. Then, get them all, beat them up, and bring Mathias to me."

Vlad nodded in agreement, "That's a good plan, my lord," he said.

"Right, general, you're excused....and after this is done, I want you to find Artemis and bring her to me." Sirius ordered, his gaze distant and thoughtful.

"Artemis? Who's that?" Vlad curiously asked, not having heard of her at all.

A smirk crossed Sirius's face as he walked around, his tall shadow casting in the room, "Artemis is a useful pawn. I'll make a deal with her. But take over the rebels first, I'll provide more information about Artemis later."

Vlad nodded in understanding and existed the chamber.

The sorcerer sat on his throne, a smile playing on his lips, as he was well aware of the latest plan he was playing, including Regan of course.

Meanwhile, she was locked in her chamber, the guilt eating her whole, like every time she did something stupid and bad. She never had wanted to free a murderer and rapist like Sirius said and she felt terrible. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid.

And then she kept thinking about that dream. She hated herself for wasting time in delusions. She had to think about something real, something achievable. Not to think that Sirius would ever care for her, let alone love her. She should've never even questioned his intentions for anything good.

There were better things to think about, like finding her parents, her biological parents. Were they alive? She didn't know, she had no idea.

And then when she thought about them, she thought about Sirius again, about how he talked about the kingdoms. He gave a long speech and she couldn't believe what kind of liar he was. He expressed pure disdain for lust and dishonor, yet he was them all. At least, that was what she believed.

But then, she also wondered if he was saying the truth. Did he hate the same things she did? No, she couldn't ever believe that. He was a criminal, a tyrant, a manipulative man. He also had looks and power, so what would stop him from being promiscuous? And he was a hypocrite, claiming to despise certain qualities while embodying them himself.

"Liar," she muttered under her breath, gripping the blanket tighter in her fists. "He's nothing but a liar." She hated herself for thinking that there could be any good in him. He was like everyone else in these wretched lands, corrupted to the core.

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