Chapter 72

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Final post before the end of 2023.

Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone.


Town of Kielseki, 6th July 1527 / 228

The Main Council has been in the town of Kielseki for months, preparing for Gra Valkas' arrival on Kielseki Plains. With the threat of the Central Army Group gone, Celestina can resume upgrading the railway station for Mu.

The Main Council initially planned to establish Galaxy Railways station. But, to avoid congestion and to keep the economy between towns around Mu rolling, they decided to concentrate the Galaxy Railways station to Otaheit and Mykal for a while.

"You're crazy! Why did you want to begin developing the town while we're under the threat of invasion?"

One government official complains about Celestina's plan to expand the railway station.

"The town is already secured, and you don't need to worry about them attacking us anymore. I also informed General Mick to prepare for the assault on Alue today."

"T-Today!? The trip to Alue needs days to weeks, ma'am!"

"No worries. We already prepared everything for it."

Cecilia would lead the assault on Alue under Operation: Reclamation. The 1st Ballistic Ranger Army and Mu 1st Armored Division would advance and recapture Alue. The time to assault is ten minutes after Crown Prince Gra Cabal leaves Alue.

The 10th Gunbounder Regiment would defend Kielseki and take turns caring for the townsfolk who wanted to play with their vehicles. Gus Amuera would lead the return of the civilians of Alue two days after the battle. As for now, he would lead the preparation for the locals of Alue to return to their town, and he convinces Pamell and his family to return to Alue once Celestina secures the town.

"Madam Grand Duchess. I'm still not convinced you can transport a whole division in minutes."

"Like I said. Everything is in place. You can watch the battle, as I would do it live-streaming."

"If you say so."

Celestina prepares for the assault to liberate Alue, and they would seize every asset Gra Valkas left the moment Celestina captures Alue.

Aboard the Aircraft

"I wonder why Naguano orders the Army to provide a body double like me? I trust the military brass' judgment for my protection."

One of the officers nervously answers it.

"T-That's because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Intelligence Officer informed us that we already fell into Celestina's trap."

"Trap? Nonsense! We wouldn't be here if we fell into their trap already."

Gra Cabal was irritated as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Navy claimed that he had already fallen into Celestina's trap. If it was a trap, why did Celestina not take any action so far?

"Are they bluffing?"

"According to Naguano's information, they were not bluffing. If Celestina did want to capture Your Highness today, they would do it today."

"Hmph. Like hell, I will turn back just because they were bluffing."

Gra Cabal hasn't realized that a Prowler is flying thirty thousand feet above them, monitoring every inch of action.

Aboard the Prowler Arcus

"We found him. He's inside that plane."

Faira verifies his voice with the records acquired from the CIISA.

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