Chapter 8 - Operation: Defense of The Three Kingdoms - Defense of Gim

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Central Calendar, 8th May 1523, West of Gim

The Louria personnel are now reaching over two hundred thousand, but more interestingly, around one hundred wyverns are being recalled back to the capital, leaving only fifty that we're able to fight at the front line. Feena notices that when she receives a video feed from Prowler Arcus several days ago. Alicia already got what she needed for, and now she has been ordered to use Celestina's Dragon Rider to gain air superiority. Feena originally wants to use CF-1 and CAG-2 (Celestina Air Guard-2), but Alicia wants to keep them on reserve.

Captain Temuji still feels worried even before the soldiers are piling up like this. He was rather upset due to the Celestina soldier's arrogancy that relaxes while he and the western garrison are on alert all day long, enduring it for weeks.

"Why you guys don't want to attack? Do you want to yourself killed after seeing them gathered like this?!"

General Nou and Admiral Breweye arrives and went to Captain Temuji. The Captain immediately bows to them. Nou just smiles and pats his shoulder.

"W-Welcome, General."

"Rest assured, Captain Temuji. I'm sure Celestina's Army will repel them."

Even so, Captain Temuji still hesitates about Celestina's movements that look like they are slacking off.

Celestina's snipers are now marking their targets. They want to deal with a devastating blow against the Louria Kingdom in this way. The news of the Celestina's Navy that win the naval war makes them think, how many of them will survive the onslaught and surrenders.


The news about the defeat of the Louria Fleet was heard all the way to the Eastern Subjugation Army. What worries them is the soldiers that are gathered in the South of the Louria Kingdom. To keep them in check, they dispatch one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers while the other three hundred thousand will advance on Qua-Toyne Principality.

The news circulation about the defeat of the Louria Navy is being limited only to the high-ranked officer. They were curious about what kind of reinforcements Qua-Toyne receive that makes their Navy was defeated.

"I thought they receive reinforcements from the Celestina Empire."

"Celestina? The country that has a distance of one thousand two hundred kilometers from Qua-Toyne? Ridiculous! There's no way they can help Qua-Toyne with that distance!"

"Just look at this beautiful scene. They are ready to breach Gim whenever we wanted to. Because of this shield, we're pleased because we didn't hear any reports that they possess another shield like this inside Qua-Toyne. Officer Nrom, how we will attack Gim if the troops are gathered in a massive number like this?" Marquis Rebeck, the Commander who was tasked with this massive eastern subjugation army looks at him.

"If this goes on like this, we can be late than scheduled. But, we can still carry out the operation as planned. We should be grateful for those who install this kind of barrier. We can terrorize them in a large number."


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