Chapter 13 - Ruckus on Selarong

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"So, those are Celestina's warships... they almost look like castles," King Dimas muttered to himself, unintentionally voicing his inner thoughts. "How ludicrous, even considering the information we received before from Gahara, for a metal ship that big to float..."

Captain Johann agreed, "I've been to the Papaldia Empire numerous times, and I've never seen any ship as large as these ones."

Floating before them were eight ships from the 1st Expeditionary Fleet from Battle Group Moonlight Sea.

"My King, Celestina's ships and the twin Valkyrie should begin attacking our decommissioned ships now."

Sacchito was there at that time to see how the equipment was made, heard the request from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about, "We will show our strength to them." This was Sacchito and Alicia's answer. In addition to the Expeditionary Fleet, Selarong's five decommissioned ships were also there, set adrift to become targets. They were about 3km away from the Expeditionary Fleet. King Dimas was watching the exercise through a telescope. The attack will commence by deploying Luciana and Aegina, following by three rounds of Plasma shells.

Kissing both Luciana and Aegina's heads, Sacchito sets them off.

"Good luck, my dear wives."

"We're off!"

Luciana and Aegina immediately chant a wind spell that makes them able to run above the water faster than normal people should. When they are about to cut the ship, the Plasma-class Destroyer fires three rounds to the target. At first, Dimas saw the ship attacked by the Valkyries are being cut into four, and then... BOOM...BOOM...BOOM... Three shots. Immediately afterward, the target ships were rocked by the fierce explosions, and a few debris shot up into the air due to being vaporized by the plasma heat. All five targets have been destroyed and sunk.

"....This... I'm speechless... how puissant..."

The King's staff who formed the backbone of the Kingdom of Selarong could only stare in amazement at the power that completely upended their previously-held concepts of war. Furthermore, the varieties of the combats with the demonstration of the Twin Valkyries abilities to cut down two ships, returning with only feet wet and one ship easily sank three other ships. Furthermore, it fired that many shots in a row, with a few lags. Even in the superpower Papaldia, it was likely that no one could determine how this was possible.

The swordsmanship abilities of the Twin Valkyries are clearly surpassing what the King's staff expected. For Celestina, they are ranked SS on Adventurers Rank, but on the military, they are at Rear Admiral.

"As soon as possible, resume negotiations regarding diplomatic relations with Celestina. A non-aggression treaty goes without saying, but, if possible, a security treaty as well," declared the King, smiling.

The Light Carrier Corvette Eleugy and Plasma-class Destroyer Destructo noticed something on its radar. Numerous flying objects coming from the west. Their speed was about 350km/h, and there were twenty-two of them in close formation. They inform the command.

"There's a country west of here, right? The Papaldia Empire?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Were they invited to Selarong's Military Festival?"

"It looks like it is, but with that size, they could make a punitive strike. Does Whisperer already receive news of this?"

"She will be ready to launch one minute!"

"Roger that. Commence the Operation: Bird Catcher."

The twenty-two wyvern lord belonging to the Papaldia Empire's imperial oversight army had come to Gowok, the capital city of The Kingdom of Selarong, the conduct a punitive strike. There were military officers from many different countries outside the civilized area at the Military Festival. In order to demonstrate what happens to a country that dares to defy the Empire, they purposely choose to attack during the festival in front of all of these officers, unaware that Celestina already noticed this and already sends Corvette Eleugy to capture the Wyvern Lords. This would engrave the power of the Empire in the minds of all those countries. It would also serve as an example of the damage that could result from provoking the Empire, or even just associating with a country that had done so.

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