Chapter 2 - Situation Goes Ugly

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Central Calendar, 10th April 1523, Morning

Almost five months ago, Celestina was transferred from another world. They immediately contacted with Qua-Toyne Principality, Quila Kingdom, and Tibetain Principality to make a diplomatic relationship with Celestina. After the relationship was made, the Qua-Toyne government immediately receive a dramatic change that will be written in history as the fastest change at that time.

Byade, Sahara, Mechania, and Studia Territory requesting additional food resources, but, Qua-Toyne, who can supply it for themselves includes their farms, willing to fulfill them. The Quila Kingdom becomes a primary destination for Celestina's adventurers who went dispatched from Celestina to do a subjugation and digging new resources. While for Tibetain, they lend the technology to earn the highest quality materials once Mechania manages to earn a sample and how they process the wool material and warm clothes. The adventurers are also dispatched to explore an unexplored region at Tibetain.

Celestina gives a lot of technology to fasten the shipment and resource efficiency such as infrastructure – for example, linking major towns with more smooth road, the road that was more advanced than just rocks, and distribution systems that goes fast and massive such as Sage Railroad and the train that can be operated with magic and technology.

Despite they have been requesting many technologies from Celestina, Sacchtio discusses the matters with the Local Council that contains eight selected members that were chosen by the citizens and based on the consideration of the Main Council. The final decision is, they will be using "Technology Outflow Configuration on The New World" as they do on the other world during their expedition. The suggestion of exporting arsenals was also requested, but Feena already makes a move ahead by upgrading the arsenals and equipments of the Three Kingdoms that can be used by their technology, but also compatible with Celestina's technology. For modern and futuristic weapons, Celestina denied all of it due to them wants to create their own new arsenals while Celestina will only help to develop it. It gives the military chance to present the new design and testing out every prototype before it can be handed over to Celestina.

The technology shared was commonly also used for daily life on these three Kingdoms. Plenty of clean water access (They have the technology but cannot be made on a large scale), technology to light the darkness that feels like noon and several electric tools, AI system for job efficiency, gas, and warm water... the daily life standard there increased considerably.

The technology has yet to be present for four months, but based on the agreements between Celestina and the Three Kingdoms, they work together to equalize the daily life technology. The merchants are also stunned once they saw the sample and all of them are willing to cooperate with Celestina. Of course, for this Celestina needs to wait for the next year to see what kind of technology they can bring in.

"The product from Country known as Celestina is very beautiful...! They are clearly above all Three Major Civilization! We might be able to surpass their life standards!"

But, talking to his secretary, Prime Minister Tanaka is more thinking about the impact on his country. He was thinking about Qua-Toyne future considering Celestina's citizen composition.

"Hmm... According to this report, it is said that twenty percent of Celestina Citizens are Military Personnel, and almost the entire civilians are all adventurers. Even so, we're lucky that they are the country that loves adventure and prioritize diplomacy. The Main Council also has a career in the military, and fighting them with their technology is surely frighten us."

"I also feel grateful despite little disappointment. Even they do not want to export arsenals to us, at least they make something that makes our weapons becomes more powerful. If we have their technology, we can handle the threat from Louria."

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