Chapter 11 - Intermission - The Great Empire of Another World

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Gra Valkas Empire Information Bureau

The row of electronic receives continues to beeped relentlessly. One could easily mistake them for emitting Morse code, but the pattern was actually different.

"Your Excellency, we have just received an update from a local informant to append our information on Rodenius," reported a man in a sharp, glittering black suit.

"In brief?"

"Yes sir! Due to the intervention of Celestina, Louria's invasion of Qua-Toyne Principality, Quila Kingdom, and Tibetain Principality failed. The Louria's royal family was deposed and the country has apparently shifted to a form of democracy."


The man being addressed as "Your Excellency" raised his eyebrows. He had always been satisfied with the report summaries, so he left all the work to his retainers and simply took responsibility himself if anything went wrong.

"Based on our predictions, the Kingdom of Louria should have overwhelmed and gain control over the entire continent of Rodenius, but... I've never heard of this 'Celestina' country... what do we know about them?"

"After Celestina joined in, the state of war changed completely. Louria's grand fleet of fifty hundred ships was unilaterally defeated by Celestina's fleet. On the ground, Louria's forces were routed without even scratching Celestina's.

Furthermore, after analyzing eyewitness reports from Louria's capital Jin Hark, Celestina's military includes a 15,000-ton heavy cruiser and a 5,000-ton light cruiser. There were also reports that they may possess a carrier. The cruisers were mainly equipped with a 30 to 130-millimeter cannon, but one of the ships was loaded with possibly a more primitive weapon, like a fireball and 88mm while another has only two cannon on the ship, probably around 80 to 130mm. There is no news regarding their aircraft deployment."

"Did they have wyverns and fixed-wing aircraft?"

"Yes, sir. They have wyverns and possess a rotary-wing aircraft."

"Peashooters, huh? Their naval technology seems to have developed somewhat strangely. I guess it's been sufficient for the enemies they've faced so far. We ourselves are still developing rotary-wing aircraft, so they've got us beat in that corner. But, based on their ships' armaments, and considering the way their military operates, it seems like they came from a rather peaceful world.

Compared to the technology in this world, they appear to have developed in isolation. Rather than that, I'm guessing they were also sent to this world, like we were... However, with only two-gun warships, and using peashooters at that, we need not fear them. They might get in our way a bit, but they won't be much of a hindrance to our larger goals."

That man was still curious about Celestina's capabilities, however, not to think about it further, he changes the topic.

"How about the Leifor Fleet?"

"The National Oversight Army has just done resupplying. They should be fit for combat soon, but the admiral is being whimsical and doesn't want to use an aircraft carrier against barbarians, so he's only sending a single dreadnought."

"In this world, one dreadnought is enough to become a legend."

Somehow, the man who was called "Your Excellency" feels like something doesn't feel right with Celestina. A person who blends herself in darkness manages to tap all of its conversations and sending them to the Central Imperial Intelligence Security Agency, simply known as CIISA, where Celestina Intelligences are gathered, including the main office of the Zealot Strike Force. While camouflaging herself, she withdraws in no hurry and blending in with the environment once again.

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