Chapter 25 - Celestina's Demand

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Celestina Empire, Mantle of Council Palace, Public Media Room, 13th January 1524 / 225

"The announcement from the Emperor is about to begin!"

The Main Council and Emperor Hillem are observing the behavior of the Papaldia Empire. When the report from Jacob has reached their ears, they immediately prepare to make an announcement. The brutality of the Papaldia Empire, whose people viewed the Empire as "One of the Arrogant Countries" by the citizens of the Celestina Empire, was not limited only to their homeland, but they also terrorized any country that has diplomatic ties with Celestina. In nature, Celestina never declares war without provocation. This time, the Papaldia Empire, boasting of insurmountable power, dare to execute 250 Celestinian citizens and adventurers. Normally, the weaker country will turn a blind eye to this and submit. For the Celestina Empire, however, they choose to declare war on the Papaldia Empire.

This happens two weeks before the annual Council Meeting, which was planned to be held around 27th January. Other than the Qua-Toyne principality who experience the first council meeting by their own eyes and ears, this time around 16 countries will participate, including Mu. People and diplomats from other worlds that known the Celestina Empire knew that the Papaldia Empire makes a fatal miscalculation. Challenging a Superpower Nation that manages to hold three different systems as the Chief of the Security Council is truly a very stupid move.

Clap clap clap clap....

The media are gathered while the citizens of Celestina and diplomats are gathered to watch it through a projector screen at home, office, and even public places such as adventurer's guild, town square, and park. Emperor Hillem appeared with his Emperor Uniform, with a silver blue dress and the nine emblems on the Emperor's robe, representing the responsibility given by the Main Council to him. His face is solemn while the Main Council is not present. The media went silent as he was about to give his address as the atmosphere turns tense due to what happened yesterday. He waited for a moment before speaking.

"People of Celestina Empire, as I am sure you have heard, the town of Sulbar in the country of Selarong has been attacked and destroyed by the Papaldia Empire. Many innocent lives, such as our adventurers who carry out their duty to their job were captured by the Empire.

Our officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs appealed to the Papaldia Empire for their release, stating that they are just tourists and simple adventurers, but the cruel Empire brutally executes them in front of the officials.

We cannot overlook this matter blindly as they realize that they have crossed the line. The good news is the Operation: Sweet Dreams was successful and we have successfully fish them out from the sea! This time itself, they will pay for their atrocity with their blood! For every civilian they killed, four heads will take its place! For every Celestinian Adventurers died for no reason!! We will execute four of their soldiers as an example! We shall teach them a lesson!

If we let the Papaldia Empire doing as they please, it will further jeopardize the diplomatic relationship between us and the allied country. We will try to keep negotiating with the Papaldia Empire on peaceful terms, and only when they declare war on us; we shall declare war on them as well! Our allies, the Kingdom of Selarong, we value them as one of the historical countries worth defending!

We will drive them out, and under the blessings of the Main Council, I will deploy the necessary personnel to make sure no warships ever return. Our objective is to defend their heritage and protect our people, and therefore, we will make a joint operation!"

The crowds surrounding the Empire make thunderous applause, and one of the answers that Emperor Hillem makes will make them excited.

"We will conduct the public execution for both of their fleet and their personnel. When the Papaldia Empire's Foreign Affairs display the public execution to us, we will do the same thing to them by executing their soldiers."

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