Chapter 59 - Conflict at Balloon Plains

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The Celestina Empire, Adventurer Expeditionary Fleet Headquarters, 20km North of Avest, 20th February 1527/228

After the Continent of Pandemonium situation was secure, the Main Council dispatched Rokari to the Magikarraich Community to escort Fenrir Wilbur and Shikami to examine one of the Ravernal Empire's ruins. Rokari left Setzer in charge of security at the Pandemonium Continent and two thousand adventurers to perform regular subjugation and train Bastogne and Rakasha soldiers.

Magikarraich Community has a strong relationship with Celestina, especially in the Studia Territory ruled by Alicia Permeal due to unusual academic teaching. Mu already put the Sherman Tank into the production phase, and soon, they will start to make a local production for the Jet Fighter Gloster Meteor. Magikarraich is studying everything about Astral ships as it has an anti-gravity system that allows the ship to levitate.

Both Mu and Magikaraich conduct a series of Airborne Assault War Games at the Celestina Empire. Unfortunately, Celestina does not allow Drop Pods attack since it's restricted to Shock Troopers and above rating, meaning it's only reserved for the Elite Soldiers. Mu witnessed one of the most lethal drop pods, known as Meteor Pods, designed exclusively for Sasha and those who are bold enough to be launched above Mach speed from the disintegrated pods when attending joint War Games with Celestina. No one can withstand such speed, with the exception of Sasha and her unit that was already trained for freefalling in Mach speed.

Rokari is reading the report of the excavation site at one of Ravernal's laboratories. Her base was 10km south from the buried tower when the Adventurer's Digger Party discovered another ruin a day ago for exploration. Above her is a Rogdor of Kirah, the Coalition-class Astral Ship for Adventurers, the Flagship for this expedition. The Frozen Bracelet was in charge of the Flagship for the Pandemonium Continent's security when Rokari departed for Magikarraich three months ago.

"How's the news of our military at Mu?"

"Currently, they're preparing the defensive line around Mu. The Main Council decides to defend North and Western Mu. The Northern front will be defended by Battle Group Rookie and Battle Group Valkyrie, while the 1st Ballistic Ranger Army will be defending Central Mu. Intel received from our spies indicates that the Gra Valkas Empire continues to amass their troops at both fronts. As of right now, the total number of personnel deployed to Leifor for the offensive is five million five hundred thousand personnel.

They separate into Three Army Group, where the Two Army Group will try to gain ground against Celestina and Mu, while One Army Group will break through to the center and trapping them."

"Manstein Plan? Interesting."

"It's reported that they were also preparing a fleet to provide support fire to the Northern Battle Lines in addition or Air Support."

"Let's hope we can hold Mu for a while. Another pressing matter is we need to keep an eye on the Sonal Kingdom and judge whether we need the military reinforcements or we can do this on our own."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Tell S Legion Adventurer to move out. We will be heading to the lab ruins today."


Magikarraich Community, Excavation Site, 100km North of Avest

"Study all of their magic signatures. Don't leave anything behind, and don't touch anything."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Shikami is leading her Research Commando 14th Regiment, specializing in excavating the site and containment protocol. Working together with Magikarraich researchers, they explore every document they can find. Fenrir Wilbur is currently returning to the Celestina Empire to deliver and study specimens obtained from the laboratory not long ago.

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