Chapter 27 - Battle of Stetsel Plains

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Celestina Empire, Royal Capital Regnieburg, Scarlet Palace, Meeting Room

King Daara, the 19th and his daughter, Princess Rosaria, receives information that the Main Council, Emperor, and the Officials of Foreign Affairs will visit the Palace for the meeting. The room was prepared to meet them, and when they arrived, they are being guided by the Palace Maids to the meeting room. Shiki and Zilva open the door, and they enter the meeting room. The Main Councils present for this case are Sacchito, Eleonora, Alicia, Sofya, and Maya. Emperor Hillem and the Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also participate in the meeting.

"Thank you for accepting our request. Please take a seat."

Once everyone takes a seat, the meeting began.

"I believe you have a business with my daughter and me. What would you like to discuss?" Daara asked.

"To be put it simply, have you both aware of the incident where the Papaldia Empire executed a large number of Celestinian Adventurers and tourists?"

"Yes, I did hear of it from my boy...friend..." Rosaria's face reddens a bit while Shiki looked away slightly with his blush a bit, much to Sacchito, Sofya, and Cecilia's amusement.

To simply put, she first feels sympathy when she heard about the Celestinian Adventurers' massacre at the town of Sulbar. But, Shiki later told her that it was a part of the plan to draw the Papaldia Empire out. Rosaria is not wearing her usual princess dress; instead, she now starts to wear her adventurer's signature dress, the one she first bought from the shop with Shiki from their first adventure.

"Have you getting used to wearing that dress, Princess?"

"Yes. I'm used to it, thanks to the council's guidance, particularly Madam Grand Duchess Alicia."

"Oh, you don't need to thank me. I'm just glad that you're now used to wear it."

Putting back to the case, Emperor Hillem gives out the proposal.

"So, the Celestinian government has a proposal for you. After we have driven the Papaldian army out of the Kingdom of Selarong, would you both be willing to declare yourself, the King and the royal princess, as the leader of the Kingdom of Verlaine's legitimate government? Naturally, the Celestina Empire would recognize your claim, and we will also help persuade other countries with diplomatic ties to us to recognize it as well."

Both Daara and Rosaria's expressions went slack in surprise.

"Th... that's... I didn't dare to hope, and I would be grateful if you were to help me, but... um... if you were to do so, the Papaldia Empire might see it as a territorial rebellion with the potential to shake their national foundations and begin a war of extermination against Celestina. It could subject your country to much sorrow. Would you still be willing to support the kingdom where my father and I originally came from?"

While the Kingdom of Verlaine was outside the civilized areas, they had a powerful military. However, even though they had investigated the Papaldia Empire's capabilities, they still suffered a massive defeat. Even though Rosaria knew the power that Celestina had, the fear of a superpower was still engraved in her heart. However, both Daara and Rosaria are aware that the Interstellar Era at the Celestina Empire will defeat the Papaldia Empire without too much resistance.

"Yes, the Celestinian government is not afraid of an all-out war with the Papaldia Empire as you both may already saw our Zealots' capabilities along with adventurers. We also do not mind if you wait to make your decision after seeing the result of our battle in the Kingdom of Selarong. To liberate the Kingdom of Verlaine, Celestina fully intends to lend our military support. We hope that Verlaine can become a model case of freeing a colony from the Papaldia Empire and that it will be the first step towards dismantling the empire completely. As a sign of goodwill, we will give you an honorary position as a Captain and Executive Officer of a Grenadier-class Corvette, Verlaine Prayer. That starship will also be yours as a gift from us, and it's ready to deploy whenever you wish for."

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