🎨Colorful Serenity

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I hijacked a train in rdr2 so just to feel nice I wrote this, thank you (it's pretty rushed and lazy but it's 3am and I'm tired okay 😿)
☆Genre: Fluff
AU: Adults?

A white and empty canvas stood in front of the tall windows, and a bunch of paint palettes as well as brushes were scattered across the room. A troubled painter was lost in thought, it felt as if his mind had gone blank. Where did his creativity go? What was he even going to paint so late at night? It was already midnight, he was stuck pondering in his art room. A room he had dedicated to just all of his art projects and paintings. His mind ran in circles, desperately looking around the room, trying to find something that could inspire him to paint. Before he could ponder any longer, he was met with a set of familiar footsteps. He turned around and saw a familiar face, a face he loved, a face that truly gave him inspiration, his husband. "Luke, dear, what are you doing up so late?" Zander asked as he gently placed a hand on Luke's shoulder. Leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. He seemed to be ready to go to bed, he was already wearing his night robe.

"I felt like painting," Luke started, "Though nothing is coming to mind.." he sighed as he slouched into his stool. "Hm.." Zander hummed as he took a look at the empty canvas, struggling to come up with something himself. "Well..what exactly are you thinking of painting? A landscape? Anatomy? People?" He listed a few categories in an attempt to help his lover. The art room was quite cold, especially right now during winter. It started to snow that night, it was snowing a lot to the point it almost felt like a blizzard. This room made both of them shiver. Luke perked his head up as he gazed at his husband, that was the same face that always inspired him. It always motivated him, Zander himself was a huge help for Luke whenever he'd struggle with motivation. "I've been painting way too many landscapes, I wanna try something new." He explained.

"I feel so cold.." Zander shivered as he hugged his own torso. "Maybe a night robe is not the warmest thing to wear in this weather." Luke joked. Zander only scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully. "It's fashionable.." he smirked.

Zander sat down on a chair next to Luke, "Could I help you with that somehow?" He asked with a warm smile, his eyes lighting up. Luke chuckled, "Sure." Zander always loved watching Luke paint, he always found it captivating. The way his hand would glide over the canvas, letting his imagination run free, he loved it. Luke set his brush down onto the space between the canvas and the easel, he then fully turned to his husband. He gently cupped his face and turned it left to right, simply admiring his features. "Are you planning on painting me?" Zander chuckled. Luke smiled as he kissed the tip of his nose, "I've already painted you a million times, but yes. I'll do it again." He replied as he gently stroked the side of his face with his thumb. "You have? And you've never shown me!?" Zander asked, a look of surprise evident on his face. "They're not really that good.." Luke sighed. Zander tilted his head, only giving Luke a skeptical look. "Alright, alright. Fine, I'll show you a few tomorrow." He gave in, earning a chuckle and a heartfelt smile from Zander.

Zander stood still as Luke continued to admire his face, a subtle smile still visible. He was more than happy to help Luke in any way, especially with his favorite activity. He was bursting with joy just being a part of it. "You're so handsome, did you know that?" Luke asked. No matter how old they got, Luke always felt the same way he did for Zander ever since middle school. Those feelings never changed, and even though they've already been married for two years now, he still felt as if he had a crush on his own husband. He couldn't help it, he knew he found the right person. His person, someone who understood him in a way that even he himself couldn't, someone who appreciated all of him. It felt as if their feelings for each other only became stronger the more they spent time with the other.

"You tell me that every other day, I think I'm aware now." Zander replied as he closed his eyes and sighed. He opened his eyes once again and raised his hand up, gently brushing a piece of Luke's hair to the side. "Your eyes are so pretty." He hummed, admiring his lover's pale lemon eyes. As long as Zander could remember, Luke's eyes were always one of the things that he loved most about him. Seeing his gorgeous eyes light up was the highlight of his day, being the reason he smiled simply made Zander ecstatic. "Thank you." Luke chimed, his cheeks a rosy color. He observed Zander's features one last time before turning to his canvas again, Zander instantly wrapped his arms around Luke's free arm and nuzzled his face into Luke's neck. He was clearly tired, but he had to admit, he loved recieving attention from Luke. Who doesn't like getting attention from their lover honestly?

Luke lifted a small brush and slowly started to paint, Zander could make out what seemed like his eyes. "Woah.." he smiled as he examined the art. "You like it?" Luke asked as he looked down, meeting Zander's endearing gaze. He smiled, "I love it already." He leaned forward and gave Luke a peck. "I'm really happy to hear that." Luke smiled. He cupped Zander's face once again and slowly leaned in, closing his eyes. Zander reciprocated, tilting his head slightly to the side. Their lips united, making them both feel ecstatic. Zander placed a hand around Luke's arm, his other hand holding the back of Luke's head in place. Luke smiled into the kiss as it went on. After a while, they separated. Luke moved Zander onto his lap, Zander wrapped his arms around him. Now, he had an even better view of the canvas and he couldn't be happier. "I feel much warmer now." He hummed happily.


The brush swirled around the canvas, all of the nude colors and all of the dark colors mixing together in harmony. Luke rested his other hand on top of Zander's thigh as he continued to paint with his other, he rested his head on top of Zander's. "Are you tired?" Luke questioned, Zander only nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck. "Mhm..you can finish this tomorrow, come back to bed already.." he yawned, almost falling asleep on him. "Okay." Luke agreed with a smile as he placed the brush down beside him. The painting was almost done anyway, but of course he wouldn't keep his lover waiting. He slowly got up, picking Zander up in the process. He expected him to complain or say something sarcastic, however, he was already fast asleep. Luke chuckled to himself as he started to walk out of the room, with his husband in his arms.

He walked up the stairs and finally made it to their shared bedroom. He opened the door as quietly as he could, just so he didn't wake Zander. He walked forward and gently laid him down, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. He walked around the bed and laid down at his side. As he pulled up the covers, he heard Zander shuffle around and eventually turn on his side, facing Luke. "Sorry, did I wake you?" He chuckled. "Ehh..." Zander replied, almost completely dazed. "You know, I kind of have a crush on you." Luke said, almost in a teasing way. Zander inched closer and wrapped an arm around Luke as he pulled him closer, eventually closing his eyes again. "Mmh..I hope the confession goes well." He whispered, quickly going back to sleep yet again. Luke smiled as he closed his eyes, he hugged Zander back. Though, suddenly he heard a quiet sound and he felt something near his feet. Sir meowington was finally back from his night walk!

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