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This was a little rushed so sorry if it's a bit mehhh 😭😭

🍊Luke's pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. As I turned to the side, I- "OH MY GO-"
"Happy birthday dear!"
He was standing over my bed, a little... menacingly. "How on earth did you get in here..?" I questioned, genuinely curious. "Your mom let me in." He smiled as he kissed my forehead. I noticed that he was dressed rather fancy today, or actually he always dresses fancy. I can't really tell. "Now, come on. Get ready, I have a lot planned for you today." He said as he placed a hand on my shoulder. I smiled, "One more kiss before I get up? Please?" I blinked up at him. He laughed, "I know what you're doing, I'll let it slide because it's your birthday today. You sly dog." He joked. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

After finally getting up and getting ready, he took me by the hand and we went to our tree. "Come here." He requested, quite excited. I went up to him, and we were both technically under the tree. He took both my hands and smiled. "Okay, listen. You're gonna have to wait a little longer for the gifts okay?" He explained. "Don't worry, I'll wait as long as I need to." I smiled. He then slowly let go of my hands and suddenly I could hear multiple voices.
It was the club, they were also dressed up nicely. "Holy- thank you guys! Oh my goodness. That really startled me." I chuckled. I looked to the side and noticed Zander nervously looking at his watch. "Guys, we have half an hour until we get to THE place." He added a bit irritated. "Oh shoot- yeah right right." Hailey responded. "What place?" I asked. "OH DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT THAT!!" Jake exclaimed.

Half an hour later..

Turns out that THE place they were talking about was a really nice and fancy restaurant. Zander apparently reserved a table for us. We had so much fun, we got to eat anything we wanted, drink anything we wanted, and it was honestly amazing. At the same time the club also had the chance to exchange their gifts with me. Zander still didn't give me my gift yet, he said that I'll need to wait for a certain moment. And I'm excited. I loved the club's gifts, they were all so nice and adorable. I felt so happy the entire day. A while after that, it was around 17:30PM. We finished our food and drinks, and finally left. Well the club left but me and Zander stayed for a while.

"So, now we have one more place to visit." He took my hand. "Am I finally going to get my gift now?" I joked. He chuckled and nodded. After a bit of walking, he stopped and turned to me. "Now, you have to close your eyes, okay? I'll guide you." He requested. I smiled and put a hand over my eyes. "Okay perfect. Now go this way, careful." He guided.

"Alright, you can open your eyes." I opened my eyes and was instantly taken aback. The place was absolutely gorgeous. It was a flowery field, there were mostly tulips and the sunset was visible. "Wow." I gasped. "You like it?" He asked as he chuckled. I nodded with a smile. "Okay stay here, now, the gift you've been waiting for..." He dramatically said. He brought up quite a big square shaped box. "Go ahead, open it. Though, this is just the first gift. There's more to come." He smiled. I excitedly opened it and I was stunned.

It was a painted portrait of my absolutely favorite place of all time. My hometown in Poland, Katowice. "Zander, oh my god. Did you paint this!?" I asked, completely taken aback. "Well, I tried painting like you recommended and I guess, with a little practice, I decided to make that. I know it's not that great, but..yeah." He smiled, his gaze averted the ground as his face turned slightly red. "Not that great? Zander, this is AMAZING. I'm actually mind-blown at how quick you were able to master painting." I enthusiastically responded. "Do you like it..?"
"I LOVE it."
I rushed up to him and immediately started kissing him all over his face. He started laughing. "Stop that!" He continued to laugh. "It's absolutely amazing. I just love it." I remarked. "I'm glad you like it. You wanna see the other gifts?" He asked. "Definitely."

He pulled out another neatly decorated and wrapped box. "Here, I didn't have much time with the decorations and wrappings on this box, I hope you don't mind." He awkwardly smiled as he handed me the box. The wrappings and the decorations were beautiful. I excitedly opened the box again, like a kid receiving a gift on Christmas. "ZANDER. NO. WAY." It was an album with pictures of us as kids, in middle school, and now in highschool. And on the bottom were the drumsticks I've wanted since forever now, only the best quality.

"THIS IS SO CUTE IM GONNA START SOBBING." I wrapped my arms around Zander and I simply couldn't stop smiling. "I swear, I'm so happy I could literally crush you right now."
"I'd prefer it if you didn't, thanks hon." He laughed. I let go and pecked him on the lips one more time. "One more gift." He smiled as he picked up another box. He gently handed it to me. I opened it and all of my favorite sweets and snacks were in it. Some of my favorite polish snacks were there too! "Wow! You got every single one right, holy..." I exclaimed quite surprised. He chuckled, and observed my reaction. "This has been the best day ever. These gifts are all so absolutely amazing. I'm speechless at this point." I took a hold of his hands, "You're the best boyfriend ever, I swear." I said.

He smiled. We both closed our eyes and leaned in. I kissed him and the kiss lasted for maybe around a minute. It was so full of love and passion. "I love you." He said as he smiled up at me. "I love you too." I wrapped my arms around him. "You're a sweetheart and you're adorable. Thank you so so much." I thanked yet again. "Luke you're going to crush me, literally." He added, I loosened the hug and apologized. "Sorry Zan, cuteness aggression.."

That night, I came back home and as soon as I got to my room I made sure to carefully store all of the gifts I received that day. I hung up the canvas from Zander. It was such a gorgeous painting and yet he had the audacity to say it wasn't that good. As I stored everything I noticed something on my drawer. It was a letter, from Zander. How come I didn't notice this earlier? It was a love letter. Goodness, I love it when he writes me love letters. I smiled down at the letter in my hands. Best day ever.

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