🪷°˚˳°Yearnful Intimacy

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I felt bad for just abandoning the royalty and the captain, so here's a little oneshot I wrote on how Luke and Zander were supposed to meet originally!! (It ended up being scrapped 💔)
☆Genre: ??? (dw no angst)

The sky was dark, and the moon was shining brightly illuminating onto any clear body of water. The cold atmosphere was accompanied by the sound of crickets, and a gust of wind every now and then. A young prince strolled through the halls of the luxurious castle he called his home. He couldn't sleep, something was on his mind. Something was clearly bothering him, he went out for a walk through the royal garden and gazed at all the flowers. He had his sword with him, even though there was a low percentage of any danger affecting him, he was still paranoid. He had heard all kinds of stories growing up. Even though he is a young adult now, he still can't help but be a little cautious.

He only ever felt at peace whenever he had his favorite sword by his side, it was always there hung securely by his waist. Even after he came back, he still couldn't sleep. Right now, he was making his way towards his bedroom. He was sure at least some of the knights nearby heard the sound of his sword as he walked, his footsteps from his heavy boots, and his necklaces hitting against each other with every step he took. His thoughts were a mess, even though he couldn't sleep he was still tired. He had a long day, he had to deal with the prince of the other royal family close to his father's.

Drew. That prince nagged him all day long, Zander wasn't having any of it. They had to ride their horses in the snow which wasn't fun at all. Zander had gotten used to the cold, it was always cold where he lived. And he in general was always cold. So, from time to time he had grown almost immune to the negative temperature. When they were riding their horses in the snow, even though he had his coat, it still wasn't enough to keep him warm. Drew of course had to laugh at how red his nose turned due to the cold, it was awful. He sighed as he held onto the doorknob, no one else was awake and wandering the halls right now. He felt like some kind of lunatic, the prince was in a dismay, all he wanted was to just rest.

He pushed down on the doorknob and opened the door, he walked in. It was dark, the only light that was visible in his bedroom was the moonlight shining from the window. Though, he noticed something odd. He didn't remember opening that window before he left, how come the curtains were swaying from side to side due to the wind? Was he losing his mind to the point he forgot doing simple things such as opening a window? He stood still, he didn't move. He only pushed the door back as it closed. He still stared at the window, he was starting to become more nervous by the second. He heard the door shut rather loudly, he hoped that wouldn't have woken up his parents. "Hey." He heard a deep voice say behind him. He jumped back and gasped, placing a hand on top of his chest. His heart almost jumped out. There was a man standing there, he was slightly taller than the prince. He had short auburn hair, and lemon yellow eyes. His clothes weren't very formal, but they didn't look like an average peasant's clothes. He looked kind of like a..pirate? A captain maybe..?

Zander's father had always told him to never spare any mercy on pirates. They were apparently evil and greedy. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The man apologized as he placed his hands on his hips. He smiled. Zander wasn't quite sure what he felt right now, was it fear?Excitement? Or a completely new feeling? He couldn't really tell. "Just..who are you?" He asked as he cautiously took a step back, his hand was hovering above his sword. "Calm down, my name's Luke." The auburn haired man said as he raised his hands up in defense. "I'm a ship captain. Captain Peterson." He explained further. That name sounded familiar to Zander, he had probably heard his father talking about how much of a hazard pirates are as usual, and maybe he brought up his name once or twice.

That was a huge problem, Luke was a pirate. And Zander was royalty, he couldn't possibly get caught interacting with a pirate. He had to kill him, it was either now or never. "There's a reason I came here. That reason is you." The captain said, narrowing his eyes. "What could you possibly want from me?" Zander asked, furrowing his brows. "Me and my crew have been here for a few days, you always caught my eye whenever I'd pass by this castle." He confessed, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's your point?" Zander asked, rather impatient. "Knowing how much your father hates me, I figured it'd be a great idea if I caused a scandal on my last day here." He admitted as he clasped his hands together and smiled. Did he mean he came here to kill Zander? This was the sign for him to strike, he grasped his sword and pulled it out of it's cover. He ran forward and lunged at the captain, knocking him and himself over. He managed to slice the captain's shoulder with his sword as they fell over.

Luke attempted to fight back, though Zander immediately got a hold of both of his hands and pinned him down to the ground. Zander slowly got up as he placed his snow covered boot on the captain's chest in order to keep him on the ground. Luke attempted to get up, Zander quickly stopped him by placing the sharp silver sword only a few inches away from his neck. "Move, and I'll make sure your head looks reeeaaal nice on a shiny and pointy skewer." He teased, his voice low. Luke laid there in complete and utter shock, he did not expect this. "You came here to kill me, didn't you?" Zander asked, lowering his gaze. "No! That's not what I meant by causing a scandal!" The yellow eyed captain defended as he hesitantly shook his head. "Then..what were you planning?"
"Basically, abducting you."

The prince stood there completely dumbfounded, though he was right. Kidnapping the king's son would cause quite a scandal and a bad reputation to his father. "And you came here empty-handed with no weapons? How exactly did you expect to abduct me..?" Zander asked, clearly irritated. His hair was slightly messy, it gently fell to the side on his shoulder as he lowered his head to look down at the captain underneath him. "Well..I thought it would be easy since you're uh..a prince." He answered. Zander laughed, "Hah! Do you think I'm some kind of spoiled and bratty prince who can't defend himself!? You moron!" He exclaimed as he neared the sword closer to Luke's neck. He leaned down closer to Luke himself. "That's what surprised me! You're much stronger than you look!" Luke confessed as he furrowed his brows.

"You're quite foolish, you know that? Walking around empty handed won't do you any good, you.." the prince continued on, scolding the captain. Lost in his own world. However, Luke heard footsteps approaching the bedroom. He assumed it was probably some knights who heard the commotion. He definitely wanted to get away with this scandal, he was not going until he had Zander. Luke quickly pushed Zander's sword aside, it fell to the ground. "You! How-hey! Wait! What are you doing!?" Zander argued, Luke pushed the sword under the bed. He picked up Zander and carried him despite how much he was fighting back. His eyes trailed to the open window, it was quite high up. The door opened, and they could both hear the knights. Luke turned his head towards them, he smiled as he instantly got an idea. "This is gonna be so much fun!" He exclaimed as he quickly jumped on the ledge of the window, he laughed as he watched the knights run towards them.

He couldn't help but laugh as soon as he saw the look on the prince's face. Realization seemed to just hit him. "Bye bye!" Luke smiled, he leaned back and fell through the window. The prince in his arms, goal succeeded. They both fell, they managed to land in a few bushes. Luckily that saved them from getting any injuries. Luke ended up on top of Zander, the captain covered his mouth with his hand as he looked around cautiously. The prince however, bit his hand. "Ow!" Luke quietly yelped as he took his hand away. "I'm doing you a favor! You'll die of boredom in that boring old castle!" He whisper shouted. "Well, maybe I'd prefer dying in that castle instead of spending the rest of my life on some stupid ship!" Zander whispered back.

Luke grasped Zander's shirt and pulled him closer to his face. "You'll be thanking me, trust me." He whispered as he frowned. "You're so self centered. Who do you think you are!? I could kill you! You're lucky I didn't when I-!" Luke covered his mouth again, he pinned both of his arms above his head as he held them together with one hand. "That pretty mouth of yours really knows how to spill around insults huh." Luke complained as he looked up. A few knights passed by, he leaned down lower, his face only inches away from Zander's. He expected Zander to kick him or make some kind of noise to alert the knights but no..he was silent. They finally passed by, "Oh, so you do wanna get out of this place.." Luke chuckled. Zander only looked to the side. "Okay..you're probably going to try and murder me after this but listen, here's my plan." Luke said.


"I swear, as soon as I get myself out of this I'll MURDER YOU! I'LL-I'LL DECAPITATE YOU AND PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY WALL!" Zander yelled. Luke was running towards the dock as fast as he could, he had Zander slung over his shoulder. His hands were tied, and the guards were running after them. Zander's yelling about how much he wanted to kill Luke and how he would kill him definitely woke some people up. Luke only smiled, he was definitely going to cause a scandal now.

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